

I cant catch a break.  So as many of you I am now with a curbside pick up format.  The fees are already killing me & to make matters worse if a person places and order I see it.  Dont change the status to in progress or ready.  If I cancel their order I sell get charged the freaking credit card fees.  I have had 3 customers I needed to refund because they placed if for a time that should not have been avail & one selected items they didnt mean to.  It credited back the customer but I was still charged the fees. So it adds insult to injury. I dont think the order should proceed until you acknowledge it and if it needs to be cancelled before its started then it should be a pending sale and not charged fees. I dont see a setting where I can change that I have to acknowledge orders before they are charged,

Message 1 of 4

We got into the same issue today. A client gave us a credit card to charge $400.


With the fees deducted, only $482.35 made it to our account.


The client charges back.


Square takes back from our account not $482.35 but the whole $500 !!

Turns out we didn't have enough on the account for the chargeback because we empty this merchant account weekly.


So a $34.00 fee kicks in from the bank for insufficient funds and interests on the negative amount.


Turns out our client gave us the incorrect credit card, and give us a new one.


So now we only receive $482.35.


At the end of the day, we need to charge $500 from the client, but lost a whole $70 expense for a product on which we only make $50 margin !!




Message 2 of 4

I wish there was a way that when my orders come that they stay pending until I acknowledge/accept them. I have no choice but to do online & dealing with higher fees then if people accidentally order the wrong thing and I have to cancel orders I lose money. Come on Square you gotta help us! 

Message 3 of 4



In terms of getting the choice to accept an order first, I definitely agree, and I think there might actually be a setting for this - or one that is in the works to be created.


For the fees - as far as I know, if you provide a refund, you are not charged any of the CC processing fees by square - it may however take a few days for that fee to be refunded to you if it was already processed.

Theoretically, the same should be true for Cancelled orders since it's basically the same as a refund.



For chargebacks, I'm not sure if the procedure for refunding Square Fees is the same or not - although I tend to think that it's not the same, because part of what Square Fees cover is the risk - that's why manually entered card transactions have a higher fee rate than chip card, to cover the costs associated in chargebacks because of excess risk involved in those transactions.

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 4 of 4