
Charge from gosq.com on my bank statement?

I looked at my bank acct. today and there is a charge of 35.00 and it says it is from GOSQ.COM. 

I have not authorized a charge for this amount nor have I authorized square to extract funds from my account.

I can't seem to get a customer code to call . very frustrated

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Message 1 of 32
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

 @deb64 - Your bank statement may show this as a result from making a purchase with a Square seller. If your bank account statement doesn't provide the information about the charge (i.e. business name, location, etc.), we include this link so you can look up the purchase at gosq.com.


@ashley14ash - You've got it. 👍


For more tips on how to identify purchases from Square sellers, I'd recommend checking out this Support Center article: Square Purchases and Cardholder Help


And if any of you were interested in creating a Square account for your own personal payments, feel free to sign up with Square. Accounts are free!

Product Manager | Square, Inc.

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Message 4 of 32

Did u not pay someone who maybe uses square as there merchant carrier?
Message 2 of 32

This just happened to me. I looked up the receipt but it doesn't tell what it's for besides hardware????

Message 3 of 32

Best Answer

 @deb64 - Your bank statement may show this as a result from making a purchase with a Square seller. If your bank account statement doesn't provide the information about the charge (i.e. business name, location, etc.), we include this link so you can look up the purchase at gosq.com.


@ashley14ash - You've got it. 👍


For more tips on how to identify purchases from Square sellers, I'd recommend checking out this Support Center article: Square Purchases and Cardholder Help


And if any of you were interested in creating a Square account for your own personal payments, feel free to sign up with Square. Accounts are free!

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 4 of 32

Hi, i have the same sort of charge from gosq.com and no idea who it is from. my bank statement shows Sq Ktnp Gosq.com, i found the receipt on the square site and the only additional info on the receipt is Mtjn above the amount. I contacted customer service and provided all the info i have on this and they come back asking me questions most of which i have already answered. below are the questions and my answers, i included a screen shot of the receipt from the square site. they then responded with -Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find a transaction with the information provided. If you are able to confirm this transaction information with the sender, please provide the transaction ID or a screenshot of this payment. I’ll be happy to look into this further. I keep telling them i didnt send the money, the receipt says 'swipe', there is no sender. What do i need to do to find out who charged me this amount???


- Your $Cashtag - i have no idea, again i was charged an amount from a merchant. i dont use your service, whoever charged me the amount does, not me. 

- Sender’s phone number or email address - i didn't send a payment to anyone, i have a unknown charge from a merchant who uses your service. My email is xxxxxx@yahoo.com, my phone number is 773-xxx-xxxx.

- Recipient’s phone number or email address - I dont know and that's why i contacted you, the info on my bank statement only has Sq *Ktnp Gosq.com, when i viewed the receipt on your website it has Mtjn above the amount. Again, my question is - who is this merchant? That could help me determine if this is a valid charge.

- Identifier of the transaction (which can be found in your app activity) - i dont have your app, again, i was charged an amount by a merchant that uses your service, i didn't have the app and i did not send someone the money using your service. 

- Date of the transaction you’re inquiring about - the receipt on your website has the date of Dec 21 2017 at 12:56 AM, the charge on my bank statement also has the date of 12/21/2017.

- Last four digits and card brand of your linked debit card - last four digits are ----, its a visa. This is included on the receipt i viewed on your website. 

the receipt on your website also has the following info that you may find helpful - #AWL3, Auth code: 025601.
Please let me know who charged me this amount of $41.20 and what it was for. here is the receipt from your site:
Message 5 of 32

Double check to make sure you did not use Uber or a Taxi service; I had the same charge and it was from a Taxi Service in San Francisco.  Good luck and Happy New Year.

Message 6 of 32


@frustrated2 I'm sorry for the trouble this is causing. I went ahead and asked the Square Support team to look into this for you. It looks like when you contacted us your email was routed to the Cash App Support team. That team answers questions about sending and receiving money with the Cash App, so their questions are actually not relevant to your issue. I'm sorry for the confusion and frustration that caused. 


The Square Support team will reach out to you by email if they can find any more information about this charge for you. But if you've looked up the charge and reviewed our cardholder help article and you still don't recognize it please contact your card-issuer for help filing a dispute for the transaction.


Apologies again for all the trouble. Keep an eye out for an email from Square Support.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 7 of 32

if you can't determine who the seller is from the very limited information on your card statement or the online receipt then contacting the support team is pointless.

They wont help you with identifying the seller. All you get is that they will contact the seller and have them contact you. I was told this by the support team a week ago and guess what? i have not been contacted by the seller.

sure, i can file a complaint with my card holder and now plan on doing that. But, knowing who the seller would certainly have helped determine if this is a valid charge and seems like it would be a much easier solution than initiating a fraudulant charge investigation and the hassle that will cause for all involved. 

I am the one who was charged the amount, why is the seller's identity kept a mystery if this is a valid charge??? a fraudelent charge is never from a buyer, the seller is never the victim...your policies are backwards.

Message 8 of 32

I had 600.00 2000.00 dollars 50and 50 and 20 and 20 taken out of.my bank account  and have mo idea what these charges are for on the 600.00  it say cashappTONEY  and the 2000.00  one say cashapp Martha and the two 50 has no name just cashapp I contacted my bank they said its cashapps responsibility  but cash app say it shows no transaction  on their side I tried to look it up on  squareup  website it has no receipt  for it and my bank is saying there is nothing  they can do but there must be someway to find out who took money out of my acct 

Message 9 of 32

We also have similar issues: did you get it solved?

Message 10 of 32

Hi @The7onWalnut, I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this.

Did you try looking up the receipt for this charge on squareup.com/receipts ?


If your query concerns Cash App, I recommend contacting their Support Team directly on Cash.app/help, or by phone at 800-969-1940 Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST.

Community Moderator, Square

After a year of supporting the Square Community, I'm leaving Square for a new adventure down under !
Check out article "A Contact Guide to the Seller Community" to reach out to current Seller Community Moderators.
Message 11 of 32

29 palms airport in California… did you buy food, something from a kiosk, maybe even checked baggage?  KTNP is the code for that airport. 

Message 12 of 32

I followed the instructions to go to gosq.com, I filled in the lines and it went to this message:


500 Internal Server Error
If you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web application's log file and/or the web server's log file to find out what went wrong.
Message 13 of 32

The charge was made by a Square account vendor. If you're not expecting a charge like this make an immediate dispute with your card processor or bank.

Message 14 of 32

Same - so frustrating!

Message 15 of 32

If you do not recognize a charge on your bank statement, we first recommend checking here to see if you may have made a purchase with a Square Seller and did not realize that they use Square to process their payments, @SoulSociety.


If you do not recognize the information on the receipt, we recommend contacting your bank to dispute the charge.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 16 of 32

I tried to look up the charge through squareup.com/receipts but it doesn't recognize my debit card. What is my next step?

Message 17 of 32
Square Community Moderator

Hey @judykraft


If you can’t find the charge here, we suggest you reach out to your bank for more details. From my experience, they can help you open a case and contact Square on your behalf. 



Community Moderator, Square // Moderadora de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 18 of 32

I never authorized anybody from square or anywhere else to take money out of my checking account

Message 19 of 32

A purchase of 942.00 was taken from my bank account. GoSq.com. CA never authorized 

Message 20 of 32

I bought something online and never received the product! It was charge and I looked up the square receipt! It's on your site! It has the name of the person but I can't say that I'm unhappy or any thing. I would like to talk to someone on the phone to get this fixed how do I go about doing this?

Message 21 of 32

Type a product name