
Online Order Tickets NOT Printing

Orders placed in my online store do not print to any of my kitchen or bar printers.  How do I enable printing?

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Message 1 of 103
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Hey! Thanks so much for posting and I'm sorry to read the frustration regarding your online orders printing! I have merged your two posts together as the one you commented on from 2016 is outdated.


If you currently accept pickup orders on your iPad with the Square app and use a supported kitchen ticket printer, you can automatically print kitchen tickets after every order.


To enable automatic printing for pickup orders:

  1. Tap the three horizontal lines on the bottom navigation bar.
  2. Tap Settings > Remote Orders.
  3. Toggle Print New Remote Orders on.
  4. Navigate back to Settings > Printers, and select your connected printer or create a new printer station.
  5. Turn Order Tickets on.
  6. Make sure to enable the item categories you’d like available for pickup.

Let me know if these steps help and if you have any other questions!! 🙂

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 3 of 103
102 REPLIES 102

I'm very concerned on not able to lock the iPad, reason being, the iPad is logged in as Owner account and it has all access and I am very uncomfortable leaving it turned on 24/7

Message 43 of 103

We are using Weebly for our online store. We have printed the orders from the desktop app. 


I'm trying to set it up so the orders go to the iPad and print from the receipt printer. I can't figure out how to do that because I can't find the Settings area that's mentioned in the thread. 


Thank you. 



Message 44 of 103

HI @MIrabellesBaker,

Thanks for posting and happy to look into this for you.

Happy to look into this. First, can you provide the URL to your website/page? Thank you!

Please let me know by replying in this thread. I'll keep an eye out for your response.

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Message 45 of 103

Sure. Our online store is here:




Message 46 of 103

Hi @MIrabellesBaker,


Thanks for your patience. 


If you are accepting online orders via Square Online Store or a third party delivery partner, like Postmates, Doordash or Chowly, ensure that “order tickets” is toggled on from device settings.You can access device settings from Square Dashboard and clicking on "Devices."


If you are having trouble accessing this, please contact our support team and they would be more than happy to assist. 

Community Moderator, Square // Moderador de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 47 of 103

Thanks. I found the settings and will check in with support to figure out the rest. 

Message 48 of 103

Hey Andrew, long-time Square user here...


You should be able to set things up under your POS (Sqaure Register or iPad in Square Stand)

Go to Settings> Hardware> Printers>


Go to the Printers section and scroll down to "Enabled Printers" section and select the printer to which you would like to print (iPad or Tablet if using a KDS - Kitchen Display System) or the Receipt Printer if you don't have any digital KDS Screens connected to the POS.


Scroll down to the "Use this printer for..." (or something like that) and select the Online Order Tickets.


There you should be able to set them up for printing Online Orders, under that option is where you can select the auto-print option.


Hope that's correct. It's from memory, but I'm pretty sure it's close enough to get you up and running.



Message 49 of 103

I have the handheld POS. There is an option to automatically print online orders, but it does not always work. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!



Message 50 of 103

We are having the same problem and need help.  But we do not see this option ( Settings > Remote Orders )

Did this option move recently?   Please help!

Message 51 of 103
Square Community Moderator

Hey @chefheathercued


Are you using an Ipad with Square App or a different device or app?


Our Support team would be able to look and walk you through the process of getting pickup order tickets set up to print.


If you would prefer, please reach out directly by logging into your Square account and heading here: squ.re/contactsqsupport



Let us know so we can better assist!

Message 52 of 103

Anyone else having this issue.

Have been through all the settings several times with support and its still not working.

Orders go to Square and sit in the order Que... and only print if you select.. Mark in Progress.


Printers are all set to Automatically Print Orders


Anyone else.

Message 53 of 103

Thank for reaching out about this @blakeadesigns.


Make sure you have your automatic print settings enabled like @AshleyK goes over here. @Joe takes it a step further on that same thread and addresses iPads going to "sleep".


If neither of those answers are fixing your issue, let us know!

Beta Community Manager, Square
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Message 54 of 103

I am having the same issue and it just started yesterday.  Prior to that, all new online orders were printing automatically, now we get maybe 1 out of 10 to print auto.  In addition to that, new online orders used to show in NEW orders and now they are just showing in UPCOMING only.  


I have the latest iOS as well as the latest Square for Rest app.   


Please help as this is super frustrating.  

Message 55 of 103

Try deleting the app and reinstalling.
Then reinstall printers
Set all printers to Auto Print Orders
And I also have mine set to Auto Print Orders in Progress
Make sure Ipad can not sleep.


Message 56 of 103

Yeah I've tried that twice today @blakeadesigns .  Haven't tried set Auto print in progress order but not sure why that would help if we don't get the order in the first place and can't set the order in progress.  I was working fine until noon yesterday.   


It has also stopped giving the receipt option to the customer after they sign.  


Any ideas @nika 

Message 57 of 103

I think there is a bug or error in the software....   All I can tell you is after deleting and reinstalling App and printers it started working.    This was after trying everything Square support offered up to help.   

What I found is that the orders transferred from weebly to Square and sat in the Order que as Mark Order In Progress,   When we selected that the order printed.   So when we reinstalled the printers etc we selected the box Print Orders in Progress.

But regardless when multiple people have the same problem it normally is some type of software error.   ie you have an order, printer says Auto print new orders.. it does not print.

So obviously there is some disconnect when an order comes from Weebly.   


Message 58 of 103

Just now started having this issue.  It's been working flawlessly for two months. All online orders have been printing automatically to the kitchen until last night.  I walk in today and no orders had printed.  They were in the iPad though so I printed them manually.


Orders have been coming in and the "Orders" tab doesn't even light up orange like it usually does. 


Another thing that is different is that the orders are all coming in as "Upcoming".  Usually all orders come in as "New". 


Update: Noticed some were printing automatically.  Thinking it has to do with "Prep time"... ?  and maybe the orders that didn't print right away would've printed according to prep time? Just don't know why it would've started doing this all of a sudden.  As I said, all orders have been printing automatically immediately as they are placed online for two months now.

Message 59 of 103

We are using the Square Register setup, and can confirm 100% that this issue is real and goes beyond just auto printing online order tickets.  We are open right now and just had an online order show in my email.  The register, ticket printer, etc is online and working, yet no autoprint and not even a notification.  I had to manually go to the "orders" section, find the order in question, and choose to print. 


The auto print functionality seemed to work without issue previously, although we have only been using this setup for about 6 weeks.  The auto print issues seem to have started in the last few weeks, and the non-notification on the register screen is new.  Overall very concerning, especially when things get busy.  Please fix!

Message 60 of 103

100% Software Bug.

Square / Weebly where are you ???


Got mine working on Sq Restaurants.    Worked fine for one week-- now not printing again,
And before it printed two tickets on the kitchen printer even though the settings were identical to the ice cream printer.   


I used to build, test and debug software for 20 years and I can confirm this is a random software issue.  

> Order submitted- shows in Weebly
    email to me
    order shows up in Orders in Square POS


Only prints when you select Mark Order In Progress.


Message 61 of 103

I have had same issue in last two weeks. I tried reinstall, update,calling square, etc I can do everyhing but randomly print or not.


It is I am using sqaure for restaurant.

Message 62 of 103

Me too again.  Was told there was another update in the past week.   Will try this agai

Message 63 of 103