
NEW! Printing labels for drink orders

What is the best way to print order tickets using labels?  I'm setting up Square in a small coffee cafe at my church and would like to print drink orders tickets on a label to stick to the cups.  I see I can use the Star printer with Max stick paper... but it seems very expensive.  Any suggestions?

Message 1 of 190
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hey y'all ! The wait is over... Single Item Printing is now LIVE in the Point of Sale app. 🥳️ 


Now you can print individual tickets for drink and/or food orders and their modifiers.  


Take it a step further with printing tickets on sticky labels! My friend @AprilMarie gives you the run down about label printer and sticky labels support for iOS devices here, and @Helen shares the details for label printer and sticky labels support for Android devices and Square Register here.


I hope this message finds you well! Let us know if you need further guidance.✌️ 

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Message 148 of 190
189 REPLIES 189

After using KDS Fresh for several months I can honeslty say that I love it.
We we in search of the magical sticker printer and came across KDS as a possible solution.


If you notice from what I had wrote a few months ago, I wasnt very happy.  Needless to say we stuck with it. 

we started out using the traditional white swivel square stand and for some reason we just couldnt for the life of us keep it connected. we would only recieve 1/4 drink orders. it was so frustrating.   while still trying to understand it it was a wireless issue on our part or a hardware issue of somekind we ended up purchasing the new style square stand. It has consistantly worked ever since.  We began using it so often we actually upgraded the KDS version. I cannot say there arent still a few clitches here or there. But, I'd say its a solid 99% it sends the order correctly.  Our entire staff loves how the system works. 

I would never want to deal with stickers or writting on cups ever again..  

Message 64 of 190
Square Community Moderator

Thank you so much for sharing this @TremontCoffee and glad to hear everything is working for you. 


I'm sure your setup will work for those that had the same trouble with writing and labeling cups manually, so your post will point many of your fellow sellers in the right direction! 

Message 65 of 190

Hi, are you able to print your orders on labels with your Fresh KDS APP on Square?

Message 66 of 190

Hello there, Please help! I am starting a cafe and looking for label/sticker printers. Is there any POS that would print label/sticker from customer order so I would peel it and label it to a cup so my barista would make the drink? Thank you very much 

Message 67 of 190

👋 Welcome to the seller community, @Tcup!


I went to check on this and it looks like a few other sellers brought up this request over here: Printing labels for drink orders? Please keep an eye on that thread for updates—we'll circle back to it as soon as any other developments come through. Thanks for your patience and let us know if any other questions come up.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 68 of 190

I have not tried yet but people saying cover support drink labels 

Message 69 of 190

Although we are not a cafe, as a walk-in daycare provider, we are EAGER for a label printer, as well.  Our children need an i.d. sticker when they are checked into care.  It is cumbersome and time consuming to enter the details at POS, then hand print them onto a sticker.  PLEASE develop this functionality.  It is vital to our customer contact/process.

Message 70 of 190

I am using revel system pos and they have this feature, could have move from square earlier to save me from trouble. Square doesn't care enough to solve this problem eventhough it has been 3 years.

Message 71 of 190

Hello everyone, 


I am a new teahouse owner who desperately needs the capability to print order labels on cups. According to threads here going back to 2016, other business owners have been asking the same question and it's unfortunate that for three years, Square hasn't done anything done to fix this issue for us in our industry!


I am open to any suggestions, but also hopeful for a fix from Square. 


Also, someone on another thread made the suggestion below and I would like to know if anyone else has used this method and if so, which printer and type of label do you use?


"One workaround I have used is with a kitchen ticket printer..haven't tried it with just the register..but here goes.


1. Enable open tickets.

2. As each drink is ordered hit save and put name on it like...Jan..

3. Ring in next order...hit save..tap Jan...save..

4. When done..just hit the tickets button and cash out the order as normal.

5.  You can put a note on each one if you want individual names..or you can save each ticket with a name and the merge the tickets and cash it out.


It gives you individual order tickets...another neat option we did was put a 0$ item called to go order in..each call in order the employee hits that button and Bam..instant you know that ticket is to go.


Hope this helps".


Thank you so much! Jerry @ Formosa BTHouse

Message 72 of 190

@FormosaBTHouse @Sallyhehehe 


Scrolling through past threads to find sellers looking for a drink order label feature and came across yours. 

Happy to announce that sticky item printing is now available on iOS! I merged you to this thread so you can check out the best answer I posted up top. 


Thanks for sticking with us while we worked on releasing this feature 🙂

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 73 of 190

 Star Micronics TSP654SK Thermal printer  is the only supported printer and looks like it discontinue. Please advise. Thanks

Message 74 of 190

ayyyy here's a hack that might work depending on your volume. If your order ticket is not high volume and want to avoid buying another printer, look into using the "print each item" feature. Each item on each ticket (depending on your set preference) will print individually. Use scotch tape, boom! You'll need to figure out the logistics of keeping full orders together though **


This process works for us in house, but our online drink and food orders do not separate itemize tickets 😕 .


This new feature from square is very limited and honestly felt like it was quickly coded

Message 75 of 190

Hello Justin,


Thank you so much for getting back to us. We really appreciate it and I will be reading the original posting shortly. This is very exciting for us because god knows that we have been needing this feature for the longest. 

Message 76 of 190

Glad to hear you're excited about the launch! Let us know how it's working for your biz 🙂

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 77 of 190

June 1 - read this thread, followed some links, sent an inquiry to StarMicronics


June 2 - Got a call from Star - confirming this is the printer that will work, gave me part #, model # and emphasized that it only works with ethernet model. Also gave me info for a reseller (steponepos) since Star doesn't sell direct to the public.


June 2 - I email StepOnePOS inquiring about the TSP546SK ethernet model.


June 3 - Get an email and invoice back from StepOne saying they have to order it, it's final sale, can't be cancelled, nonrefundable. $450 USD all in. I reply with a "how do I pay you?" email. Later this afternoon, I get another email saying Star doesn't have any of these in stock - will have to build one from scratch and that could take between 50-90 days...!!!


@Square - why taunt us with this feature for a printer that is not readily available? Why not partner with another manufacturer or label printer?

Message 78 of 190

Why also @Square  first release this on iOS and not your own in house device? 

Message 79 of 190

I would also like to add, if a different printer model is going to be developed for, please make sure that small drink order tickets are possible.  Currently, they print out at full size and it's too big to put on a cup.  The labels only need to be approx 1 to 2 inches in height and width


I have the suggested model and it prints out single tickets but they are too big to use.

Message 80 of 190

Star TSP654SK is the solution supported by Square app. The printer accepts a linerless re-stick medium (Like a Post-IT note) which can be used to seal take-out bags, place orders onto coffee cups or alike. 


The printer is available in the market through a network of resellers, typically found through searching 'TSP654SK'.

Message 81 of 190

@JasonHCo That is a tedious process and I'm sorry that you went through all of that.


I put a bug in the ears of our team who has been working on this label printing... looks like they're making progress so that we'll be able to carry these printers in our Square Shop. I'm not sure of a timeline for when that will be finalized, but I can confirm that they're actively working on making this ordering process a lot easier.


Thanks for sharing your experience so that we can better ours!

Beta Community Manager, Square
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Message 82 of 190

Something to keep in mind:  I bought and tested the "SK" version of the Star 654.  It was flawless using it with Maxstick paper during all my testing.  However the FIRST day I rolled it out to my first store (sandwich shop) the paper orders bound and stuck in the printer.  This would happen maybe 5% of the time (even .05% is too much in a kitchen printer scenario).  The problem is during a lunch rush the kitchen might not know a ton of orders are "stacking up" and not coming out of the printer.


Maxstick offers some other kinds of sticky paper with other patterns of adhesive.  I didn't try some of the other kinds of paper that have less adhesive.  We ended up just using scotch tape.  It was disappointing, but I thought I would mention this as it is a pain to get the particular printer and may not be worth it.  If anyone does...  post here!  I'd love to give it another go.


The Star "SK" version of the printer seems like it is VERY close to the regular version with only a little difference in the internal roller mechanism AFAICT.

Message 83 of 190

Thank you for dropping by to share your personal experience with this printer, @cbenson - I'm sure this will be helpful to others interested in printing sticky labels using the Star TSP654SK!


Did you have a chance to reach out to Star Micronics yet? The manual included here may shine a light on why these orders got stuck in the printer, and their technical support team should be able to provide some advice, if not. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 84 of 190