
Custom amounts printing to kitchen printer

Every time we enter a custom amount on our register up front, it prints a ticket to the kitchen printer. How do we stop this from happening? We do a lot of carry-out grocery items in addition to our regular food orders, and we don't need to be sending tickets to the kitchen every time we do this.

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Square Champion

Hello @TubsPub !


There are a couple of ways to go about this:


The easiest is to disable Uncategorized Items from your printer station's category list:

More -> Settings -> Hardware -> Tap on your kitchen printer -> Edit the Printer Station -> In Person Order Tickets -> Categories to print


There are a few problems with using the custom amount screen for order entry. The biggest is that you can't really track sales from the custom. It just shows as a random sale on your reports. Also, if you have multiple Taxes enabled on your account, each tax will automatically be charged on custom amounts.


I recommend setting up a Grocery category on your system then have a Misc Grocery item. If you leave the price blank when you create the item, you will be prompted for the price every time you use it. A LOT easier to manage, and if you decide to be more granular with reporting at some point, the category is already set up: it'll be a lot easier to add specific grocery items.


Hope this helps!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
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