
Stock & Inventory Management

Are there any free/open or "affordable" (not £100+/mth) source software/apps out there that can cater the below requirements for what I need.


I'm looking at the moment but I seem to come across various versions of tracking software which is directed towards the clothing market. I came across TouchBistro's page for restaurants and my gawd, they have almost everything I need in terms of tracking stock, inventory, orders/deliveries, as well as the cost to make each item (recipe costing, ingredient costing etc) and recipe creators (managing how much each ingredient goes into each product). Thinking about it as a feature request it seems way too sophisticated for Square and I don't see this coming anytime soon (probably for Square for Restaurant) so I was wondering if anyone knew of any inventory managers they use or heard of that can tick most of the boxes.


Ideally I need:

- Track stock/inventory I have onsite

- Submit deliveries/add to stock

- Minus stock/inventory seamlessly after the end of the day using the reports on my Square Dashboard.

- Track costs of individual ingredients

- How much ingredients goes into each product

- Available as an iOS application or mobile friendly dashboard

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Did you get far with this. We are now in a similar position. We are a bagel shop and the current squareup inventory isnt advanced to what we are needing. 


We need something similar to you by the sounds of it. For example, we have five different bagels and five different toppings. We are needing an inventory that manages to link a bagel with a topping when ordered.

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Is anyone tried bevspot?

not sure, but it look like there is a free version for square users


we are in the same situation here, we really need a food cost tracking integrated to square

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Will check it out and let you know

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