
ResDiary Intergration

It would be great to see a full integration between Square and ResDiary. A lot of restaurants and hospitality venues use ResDiary to take and manage online bookings, and there is a lot of data that would be extremely useful to capture. Other POS systems that link to ResDiary link customer bills to their reservation details, so the system gives an in depth look at customer spend per visit, regularly ordered products, time spent in the venue.


I'm not sure exactly how this would work with Square, and if it is even possible, but I think it is definitely worth considering. I have also raised this as a feature request with ResDiary's support team.

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Square Champion

The best way to go about this integration seems to be to ask ResDiary to build an integration for the square app marketplace?

Matt - He/They
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Hi @JamesJockey, thanks for flagging this!


At the moment, we only have an integration with ResDiary Lite. Our team are working to get our system integrate with the full ResDiary software but we don't have a timeline as to when this is available. I'll be sure to update this thread when we have more information to share, but it's worth keeping an eye on our website and social media as well for any upcoming launches!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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If I can add my tuppennyโ€™s worth here. Iโ€™m currently moving from Quandoo to ResDiary, and got a little excited when I saw Square in the ResDiary integration partners roll call, only to be disappointed later.

It may not be a deal breaker, but as James stated above, it would be a terrific addition.

It is definitely needed, and I urge all you top Square coders to get your finger out (or up, or down, whatever the case may be ๐Ÿ˜€), and get this done. Please!!!!

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Is there any news on the this yet? ResDiary Lite just isn't enough...

Message 5 of 9
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Hey @WABISABI, thanks for checking in! 


I'm afraid I don't have any further update on when the full ResDiary will be available. I know our Partnership are working hard to implement this but we don't have a date or timeline to share right now. 


I'll continue to surface this topic with the team and will follow up on this thread when I have more information to share!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 8 of 9
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Hello good people,

Just thinking out loud. Square are on a mission to become the one stop shop for all customer facing businesses. Square also has a thing called Square Appointments, and booking systems are essentially appointment systems with a few bells added, so not beyond the capabilities of a near $100 billion dollar company with a half decent dev dept.

How say you? Over to all of you to comment uponโ€ฆ

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