Square Champion

FR: More advanced Automatic Discounts / Discount Rules

Feature Request: More advanced Automatic Discounts / Discount Rules


Hello @tranguyen 




Currently, Square can only achieve one level of automation here, i.e. either Item/ Category or Quantity or Customer group. This is too limiting as we need to be able to combine multiple levels, i.e. Item/ Category and Quantity and Customer group.


An example of this would be: "When customer purchases any item from Shoes category AND when a customer is assigned to the eligible group [Group name]". 


Obviously, this functionality needs to be available in POS and Invoices and Online.


Please bring to the attention of your developers.


Thank you.



Multiple related posts, including:

  1. https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Square-UK-Product-Updates/Customer-Group-Discounts-Now-Available/... 
  2. https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Point-of-Sale-Group/FR-Configure-Customer-Group-Discounts-via-And... 
  3. https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Feature-Requests-Point-of-Sale/discounts/td-p/195449 
  4. https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Square-Online-Discussion/Discounts-for-Online/td-p/228719 
  5. https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Questions-How-To/meal-deal/m-p/207861 
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Square Champion

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Is there any update? 2 and half years later and this feature still doesn't exist. Really need to be able have a discount apply to a specific service for a group of customers, but just one service. Not literally everything we offer. (Why would that be useful to anyone?)

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Hi @majpepper,


Thanks for following up on this feature request, it's understandable that you're feeling frustrated. 

While I don't have any updates to provide at this time, our team is aware that this is a requested feature. It's important to keep in mind that the implementation of a new feature can be a complex process as it involves work and coordination across different teams.

We'll keep you updated on this thread if we have new information to share. In the meantime, I would suggest signing up for our Square Beta Program


Thank you for your patience and your understanding.


Community Moderator, Square

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