Square Champion

FR: Improve filter options in Customer Directory

Feature Request: Improve filter options in Customer Directory:


  1. In the TOTAL SPENT > PURCHASE DATE > DATE RANGE filter provide an option that is "IN ANY CONSECUTIVE XX MONTH PERIOD STARTING DD/MM (and DD/MM and DD/MM and DD/MM)" 

We have specific start and end dates to our selling seasons and we segment customer data according to sales attributed to the those customers in those seasons.  Currently, the only option is "in the past XX months" and this does not provide the level of detail we require.


Screenshot 2021-07-12 13.37.00.png


2. Provide an option to select 'OR' between filters. Currently, only 'AND' is available. We need an OR to be able to segment data according to Total Spent or Grouped in. With the current restriction to and we are unable to find all the data we need.


Screenshot 2021-07-12 13.50.05.png


3. Allow user to manually type in dates and/or select the year he needs in new drop down menu in date selector. Currently, he has to cycle through all the months one at a time.  


Hi @tranguyen - please send these feature requests to your developers.


Thank you

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Hey @nella, thank your for sharing these! 


Before sharing it with the team, I want to make sure I fully understand the feature gap, especially the first request. Am I right in understanding that this would be a filter to see customers who have purchased between, for example, a 3 months period between X date and X date, annually (so the year field would be empty)? 


Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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