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FR: Improve auto-generated Cancellation Policy line to distinguish between CANCEL and RESCHEDULE

Feature Request: Improve Appointments auto-generated Cancellation Policy line to distinguish between CANCEL and RESCHEDULE

Hello @tranguyen 


The current compulsory policy, set by Square, "We ask that you please reschedule or cancel at least 2 weeks before the beginning of your appointment or you may be charged a cancellation fee" is unnecessary for some retailers and confusing for the reader when it is combined with the policy set out by the retailer which will have already explained this point or something similar, or if the policies are at odds with each other.

Why is the auto-generated policy there and where does it come from? 

N.B. of the auto-generated policy, what is shown to the client in the email he receives and what is shown to the user in Dashboard do not match. The former is, "We ask that you please reschedule or cancel at least 2 weeks before the beginning of your appointment" and the latter is as above. The former therefore does not explain the point in full.

Please send this information to your product team so they can improve this area of Appointments so it is less confused. 

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Hi @nella, thank you for raising this.


I had a look into this field and this is something that's generated automatically based on the cut-off time that customers are allowed to cancel or reschedule their own appointments. The maximum you can allowed is 2 weeks but you can always reduce this time from Appointments > Settings > Calendar & Booking on your Square Dashboard. I hope this will help!



Screenshot 2021-11-09 at 10.05.16.png


Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Square Champion

Hi @tranguyen 


Thank you for the reply. This helps but with our policy, the cancellation fee applies only if they cancel within a specific time period but not if they reschedule. For this reason, the auto-generated line "We ask that you please reschedule or cancel at least XX days before the beginning of your appointment or you may be charged a cancellation fee" is at odds with our policy therefore confusing for the customer.


We need to be able to separate out the "reschedule" point and the "cancellation" point in this auto-generated section. If I am not overlooking something, this is the feature request.

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