
Square Reporting Q&A: Get answers and influence product decisions!

Happy New Year, Seller Community!


Effective and reliable reporting is crucial for the smooth operation of any business, and we recognize that there is always room for improvement with the reporting tools offered by Square.


This event was an opportunity to speak directly with @annakepler on the Square Reporting team, and contribute to how developments are prioritized throughout 2023.


On Wednesday, January 25, 2023 we hosted a Q&A to address questions and make sure your experiences are documented with the Reporting team's plans for the year ahead.


Not sure what to ask? Here are some example questions: 

  • What is the best way to keep an eye on sales trends for my items?
  • If I could do "_________" with reporting in the online Square Dashboard, that would save me so much time.
  • How can I manage sales reports across multiple business locations?


️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 1 of 155
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hello Everyone,


Thank you to everyone who participated in our Reporting Q&A! We got an overwhelming number of questions and suggestions that we will be iterating on as we continue to improve your reporting experience! We answered as many questions as we can and will continue to get to the rest of them on an ongoing basis. 


To wrap up, here’s a summary of a few themes I saw in the questions:


Improved general reporting functionality

  • Many of you have brought up the need to generate comprehensive monthly and yearly statements, as well as the ability to generate statements for your customer or vendors.
  • Flexible time ranges and comparisons against specific dates and times of the week, and further ability to define your custom business week and fiscal year boundaries. 
  • Improved export functionality by fixing existing issues, adding new export formats like Excel and PDF, and the ability to customize and streamline the data export. 

These are important features and are high on the priority of our core reporting team. 


Additional features for both Inventory and Appointment reporting 

Our teams are working on various new reports and enhancements to existing reports in this product area. The valuable feedback we received during this event tremendously helps our teams to prioritize the work and focus on your needs.
In the meantime, I would like to share that if you have a Retail Plus subscription, you get access to Item Sales by Category through the Cost of Goods Sold report. You can find this report in Dashboard by navigating to the Reports section > Inventory Reports > Cost of Goods Sold. In this report, you can filter items using the Category filter at the top to view your top-performing items based on Quantity Sold, Total Revenue, Profit, etc. 

Square reporting integrations

We have received lots of feedback regarding Quickbooks integrations and what we must improve there to support your needs. Enhancements to Amaka and Google integrations, as well as more integrations in general would be a great value add. 


We appreciate you taking the time to share your experiences and we'll continue to improve Square’s reporting functions based on your business needs.   


We wish you all success and we’ll keep answering your questions here in the Community!

For the latest updates, keep watch for announcements of new features in Product Updates.

Anna Kepler
Product Manager, Payments Reporting and Analytics, Square

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Message 154 of 155
154 REPLIES 154
Square Champion

Hello @annakepler and @Tom!


If I could have a Square Appointments report to help me calculate how much to pay my service providers for the previous week, that would save me so much time.


We would like an easy way to see appointments made and which ones were paid/unpaid. We would like an easy way to calculate how much to pay our Service Providers. 


We need a report that provides: 

  1. Created Date
  2. Appointment Date/Time
  3. Appointment Length 
  4. Client Name
  5. Staff
  6. Paid/Unpaid
  7. Amount Paid for Service
  8. Tip Amount Given


Currently Items 1-5 are available under Appointments-> Settings -> History, Items 6-8 are not. 


Transactions-> filter by Service Provider shows when a payment was made. Does not show appointment date/time and unpaid appointments. 


Team Report does not show Items 1-4, is based on when the appointment was made, not when the service was rendered. 


Use case: 

We pay our Service Providers every Monday. If we run a report for the week based on transaction date, the service may not yet have been rendered. A client can cancel, no service will be rendered, and I have paid the service provider for a service not rendered. 


Having a report based on appointment date, that shows paid/unpaid, amount paid for service, and tip amount given will help ensure that I am paying out my service providers the correct amount for services they have actually rendered. 


Our current process is complicated and takes a couple hours, when it could take only ten minutes with the above data. 



Message 2 of 155


Message 3 of 155

Thanks for the feedback!
We’re going to be working more on various appointment reports throughout the year so it's helpful to hear exactly which ones people are looking for and what things people want to be able to do. I’ll definitely take this back to the team.

Anna Kepler
Product Manager, Payments Reporting and Analytics, Square
Message 4 of 155
Square Champion

Thanks @annakepler 


If this is something that can be extracted using the Square API's, please let me know. 

Message 5 of 155
Square Champion

A report that can be sorted by Best / Worst Item or Category.  

Being in Retail we need to know which Item or Items are our top performers and which we can stop carrying in our stores.

I just ran a report for 2022 and from the dashboard it just lists my items that were sold in alphabetical order, no way to sort or filter it to best or worst.  Not just by dollar amount but by quantity also.  If I sell 1 clock that retails for $600 but sold 30 of our $20 candles the dollar amount sorts are equal but the quantity of sales are a lot different.

Pocono Candle

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Message 6 of 155

100% AGREE WITH THIS!  This was the first report I was looking for our first week in business!  I see that it shows, briefly, the top 5 items by gross sales, but I'd also like to know the top items by number items sold and best profit margin on them...

Message 7 of 155

100% Agree with this. I'd like to know the top 10 best and top 10 worst products by vendor so I know what items to not re-order. I'd also love a way to archive items & indicate that I've decided not to order them again without them showing up in my item list. 

Message 8 of 155

Hi @Candlestore ,


Thank you for the inquiry! If you have a Retail Plus subscription, you can view your item sales by category through the Cost of Goods Sold report. You can find this report in the Dashboard by navigating to the Reports section > Inventory Reports > Cost of Goods Sold. In this report, you can filter items using the Category filter at the top to view your top-performing items based on Quantity Sold, Total Revenue, Profit, etc. 


We are currently looking into building more specific item sorting in reports and SKU-level performance reports. Until then, you can also export these reports by category and then sort them in an external CSV file as well. 


Hope this helps!

Anna Kepler
Product Manager, Payments Reporting and Analytics, Square
Message 9 of 155
Square Champion

@annakepler ;

This report you mention is a $$ based report not a Quantity based report, which is more what I am looking for.

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 10 of 155

noted. I will take it to the team. Thank you!

Anna Kepler
Product Manager, Payments Reporting and Analytics, Square
Message 11 of 155

The integration between Square and Acuity Scheduling/Squarespace needs to be better. All transactions booked through Acuity Scheduling come through as 'Uncategorized', which means for reporting, I have to go through manually to work out what was purchased. Square blames Acuity and Acuity blames Square - either way, it needs to be resolved. Can this be explored this year?

Message 12 of 155
Square Champion

Agree. That was the main reason I moved from Acuity Scheduling to Square Appointments.

However, Acuity Scheduling had the reports needed to calculate how much to pay my service providers. Hoping Square adds them. 

Message 13 of 155

Interesting. Might consider a switch down the line depending on Square's functionality. 

Message 14 of 155

I agree here, we had to move back to acuity just because everything was organized better for us and we could see the price breakdown on the balance due once clients paid their deposits. I would have continued square calendar but it was a bit behind acuity. 

Message 15 of 155

If I could get a report of drawer reports... I'm looking to keep an eye on which staff's drawers are regularly over/under.  I'd LOVE to have some sort of report that could show that.

Also, in the Category Sales reports, we can't see the TOTAL COLLECTED in the category sales report.  I have to export, then ADD the Tax + Gross sales columns to get the total collected  - there doesn't seem to be a way to get TOTAL COLLECTED per category...


Also, I note that the Labor vs. Sales reports don't include numbers from Square Payroll!!  What??  We don't use Square Time Cards, but I DO use Square Payroll!  It would be helpful to see our labor expenses vs. our Square sales.

Message 16 of 155

I would also like to see better reporting for cash drawers. I can't even use it because it doesn't factor in tips or service charges which we pay out of the cash drawer to the bartenders.

Message 17 of 155

Hi @ChambersSF! Square for Restaurants Plus includes the ability to run Shift and Close of Day reports from the POS. These reports can give you more visibility into cash and card tips collected as well as service charges.

Anna Kepler
Product Manager, Payments Reporting and Analytics, Square
Message 18 of 155
Square Champion

Please excuse my brashness here, but when it comes to reports, why is cost of goods behind a paywall? That seems like a very basic metric to track and I would like to know what in order to know that I would have to pay for Square for Retail Plus? How much it costs us to run our business is something I want to see in reports every day.

Orlando Perrone
Perrone Technologies: The Computer Shop
Message 19 of 155
Square Champion

I would love to be able to see reports on like average day over a period of time. Being able to see average Monday sales would be great. Especially for a business like mine where sales can drastically fluctuate based on the day of the week. 

Ali Kenis

Sugar Lab Bakeshop

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Message 20 of 155

Thanks for your feedback. An Average Sales per Day broken down by the day of the week sounds like it would be useful to plan- especially if there's a lot of fluctuation to make decisions like: When’s the best time to close and do inventory? We plan on investing more in Sales Trends and comparison reporting this year.
I will take this request back to the team. 

Anna Kepler
Product Manager, Payments Reporting and Analytics, Square
Message 21 of 155