
Q&A: Ask Us Anything About the Square Online Website Builder!

Update: Due to volume and complexity of the questions, this event was moved to Thursday October 14th so our product team had more time to research and answer your questions. Thanks for your understanding!


Hello everyone! 👋


On October 3rd at 10:30 AM PT/1:30PM ET October 14th at 10:30 AM PT/1:30PM ET, we hosted a Square Online website builder Q&A with @xuanhua@KSA100, and @BradS-PM  of the Square Online Product team! This was a great opportunity to ask questions specifically about the website editor used by Square Online.






Seller Community, Platform
Message 1 of 207
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Re: Q&A: Ask Us Anything About the Square Online Website Builder!

Hello Everyone,


Thanks again for taking the time to share your questions and feedback!


We ended up covering quite a lot more than just the website builder, but that’s okay! Everything you’ve shared with us will help us incorporate what you need into future updates to Square Online. If you didn’t get a reply, don’t worry - while there wasn’t time to respond individually to all comments, our product managers did read them and will consider that feedback for future updates.


As we wrap up this event, we wanted to recap a few different themes that came up frequently:


Digital item fulfillment: Though not currently available, this is something we are working on for 2022!

Category and item page customization: You’d like to have more options to add content to category and item pages. Giving you more options to make your item and category pages look how you’d like is important, and something we're working on. Stay tuned for updates in the near future.

Video on item pages: Videos on item pages would add another dynamic way to show off your products. While we don’t yet have this as an option, you might want to consider adding 360º images to provide some more dynamic views of your products.


If you haven’t yet set up an online store through Square Online - it’s super easy! Click on the Online link in your Square Dashboard, then click on Get Started. Square Online will walk you through setting up your online store in minutes.

Square Online will be adding a lot of new features in the coming months, both to the website editor and to many other areas of Square Online. Thank you so much for your participation!


1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hello Everyone,


Thanks again for taking the time to share your questions and feedback!


We ended up covering quite a lot more than just the website builder, but that’s okay! Everything you’ve shared with us will help us incorporate what you need into future updates to Square Online. If you didn’t get a reply, don’t worry - while there wasn’t time to respond individually to all comments, our product managers did read them and will consider that feedback for future updates.


As we wrap up this event, we wanted to recap a few different themes that came up frequently:


Digital item fulfillment: Though not currently available, this is something we are working on for 2022!

Category and item page customization: You’d like to have more options to add content to category and item pages. Giving you more options to make your item and category pages look how you’d like is important, and something we're working on. Stay tuned for updates in the near future.

Video on item pages: Videos on item pages would add another dynamic way to show off your products. While we don’t yet have this as an option, you might want to consider adding 360º images to provide some more dynamic views of your products.


If you haven’t yet set up an online store through Square Online - it’s super easy! Click on the Online link in your Square Dashboard, then click on Get Started. Square Online will walk you through setting up your online store in minutes.

Square Online will be adding a lot of new features in the coming months, both to the website editor and to many other areas of Square Online. Thank you so much for your participation!


Seller Community, Platform

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Message 202 of 207
206 REPLIES 206
Beta Member

When can expect to be able to get the Google Merchant feeds up and running, it's been ages now, surely it's also another form of revenue for square, more google shopping more fees, must be a priority.

Message 85 of 207

Were you referring to Google Product listings or Google food ordering, @ShaunG? It's possible to set up Google Product listings now, though more Google integrations will be coming soon as well.

Seller Community, Platform
Message 86 of 207
Beta Member

how do i incorporate subscriptions into the items available on the website? right now i just made a QR code and put it as the 'product' image so that way people can 'sign up' by snapping the code with their phone app.

Also--is it possible to not have the feed be from instagram? meaning i did have all my recent IG posts show up on the front page. Tiktok is wayyyy better!

Message 87 of 207

Are there ways to create an event link for a free event or have a product in your store that is free (e.g., a PDF)?

Message 88 of 207

Hi @Harmony2c - You have a couple of options. 1) You could add an event section to a page and add your free event to that section and then share the page, or 2) you could also just share the product page with the free event.

Message 89 of 207

Thanks for the reply. It looks like you may still have to list a price and can select the event as free. 

That sounds like a plan to just make a separate page with the PDF free vs. placing in my actual store with products. Thanks again!

Message 90 of 207

Hello,  I like the features available to manage inventory.  Would it be possible to have a "bin location" or an "aisle location" field?  I store a lot of product (candles) in boxes on shelves and have to manually keep track of which candles are in which box.  It would be nice to be able see that info online, and not have to open up a spreadsheet to find it.  


Message 91 of 207
Beta Member

What is the best way to archive a page that we only want posted seasonally?

Do you have a recommended way for adding a 'In the News' page with links to news articles?

What is the best way to limit the sale of specific items to specific days of the week?


Message 92 of 207
Square Champion

Archive or hide is vital to seasonal sales. 

Message 93 of 207

Interesting suggestion, @ZDeli. Since this isn’t specific to the website editor, I’ll pass this over to the team working on item management so they can consider it.

Seller Community, Platform
Message 94 of 207
Beta Member

When will we be able to share feedback that customers leave for us online so that other customers can see it?

Message 95 of 207
Beta Member

I recently upgraded my plan and had to find the reviews to manually approve any that came in - in case that's what you're looking for: From the Square Dashboard > Online > Items > Customer Reviews

Message 96 of 207
Beta Member

Are you saying that the reviews are able to be seen somewhere by customers?

Message 97 of 207
Beta Member

Why does Square not update online orders all as completed when we use GoShippo?  They say its your site and you say its them. 

Message 98 of 207
Square Champion

I noticed that if you use Shippo services while on the Square Online orders page it updates correctly. But if you use the Shippo services on goshippo.com it wont update both correctly. I have a feeling their API only goes one direction. We had to switch to using Shippo directly on the order in Square Online. You get the same rates in both, so making the switch shouldn't impact you too much. 


Square team should probably come out with something letting people know how that works, but figure this might help in the meantime! 

Andrea with Kei Collective - an artist collective with a shop in Phoenix, AZ

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Message 99 of 207
Beta Member

Thanks for that info I will try that and see if it resolves the issues.

Message 100 of 207
Square Champion

I use PirateShip Free IE with no monthly charges and discounted rates from USPS and UPS I use a Zebra Thermal label printer and the amount you paid for the shipping is not visible on the label.

Currently, you copy and paste the name and address, and the program puts it all together. They are working on a Square integration.


Life is too short to eat boring cheese.
Message 101 of 207
Beta Member

I just refunded a customer for a product from an online purchase. Why does it not show that on the notifications. It keeps coming up as a new order.,

Message 102 of 207

Hi again! Where are you seeing this notification?

Seller Community, Platform
Message 103 of 207
Beta Member

On the POS. I've been in touch with your IT team and hopefully they are resolving this issue. Thanks for responding though.

Message 104 of 207

We need our online store and POS to sink sale prices. When I place an item on sale on our website the sale price doesn’t show up on our Square register. Is there a solution coming for this issue?

Message 105 of 207