
Inventory Q&A: Ask our product team anything about Square Inventory ๐Ÿ“Š

Calling all sellers โ€” especially those signed up with Square for Retail and Square for Restaurants. Our product team wants to hear your inventory questions and feedback!




On Wednesday, May 11th, we were grateful to have Mukta Dhanuka (@Inventory) and her team in our forums to address questions and feedback about Square Inventory. See the thread below for answers to your questions and keep watch for a summary of the top themes discussed.


To learn more about Square Inventory and its features, take a look at our Support Center: Basic Inventory Management


A few example questions:

  • What are the best practices that will ensure I'm getting the most out of Square Inventory?
  • What are the latest feature improvements with Square Inventory?
  • If Square Inventory could take care of "_______," it would save me so much time and help me run my business more efficiently.
  • I canโ€™t seem to figure out โ€œ______โ€ or I need help with โ€œ_________โ€.
  • An inventory issue that keeps me up at night is โ€œ____________โ€.
  • I wish Square for Restaurants or Square for Retail would support โ€œ________โ€.


Note: We can't share specific details on our product roadmaps, though this information will be helpful as we continue to make improvements.

๏œ๏ธ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 1 of 267
1 Best Answer

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Thank you for every question, feedback and product request. Every discussion thread made this a very engaging and insightful AMA for our team, especially me, as the new Inventory, Product Manager. Your experience and feedback will help us revisit priorities for the product going forward.


We wanted to share a short recap on three themes that came up during inventory AMA event:

  1. Bundles/Kits: This stood out as one of the most frequently requested product features. Our team is actively working on incrementally adding this inventory functionality. We will continue to follow up with you to better understand your use-case as we build this.
  2. PO <-> Items Management:  This was another key area of interest that came up often and the overall sentiment was to have a more cohesive workflow as you make purchased items available for sale; and purchase more items from your vendor based on those sales.
  3. Inventory Availability: We hear this loud and clear to have more accurate โ€˜available for saleโ€™ inventory count versus stock you may still have on hand but committed through online orders or invoices. Our team is also actively working on incrementally building this functionality starting with invoices. Please stay tuned for the updates.


Next Steps:

  1. Trainings: Our team will set up bite size 30 min live trainings for areas where you may need some help to set up or get used to. Our first session about how to set up and use โ€˜sell by unitsโ€™ will be particularly helpful for current and future Square for Retail Plus subscribers. If you are interested, please submit your contact information here: 


    You can also use this form to share if there are any other topics/areas where training might help as you start or continue your Square inventory management journey.
  2. Feature Discovery/Beta: We will closely partner with sellers who have shown interest in product features like kitting/bundling, inventory availability etc. for feedback as we build these functionalities and participation in a product beta rollout.


We are inspired by your diverse businesses and how you want to continue to improve Squareโ€™s products to save you time and make better inventory business decisions that directly affect your brand and cash flow. It was also amazing to see a sense of collaboration and trust, especially experienced sellers helping out other sellers with their experience, within and outside of Square.


For the latest updates on Inventory, visit Product Updates.


Again, thank you for your participation and stay tuned for our next Q&A!


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Message 266 of 267
266 REPLIES 266

Thank you for reaching out. Square supports plug and play integration with several 3P solutions including Wix. For details, please check out our app marketplace : https://squareup.com/us/en/app-marketplace/app/wix.

Hopefully this inventory integration can help you better manage inventory between Square and your Wix website. If not, don't hesitate to let us know so we can work together toward a better solution.

Message 127 of 267

Is there a way to sync online and POS inventory to show โ€œout of stockโ€ when an item is sold out online?  At this time, an item could be at zero stock online, yet the item on POS wonโ€™t be automatically greyed out.  This leads to the cashier overselling an item without knowing that the item is at zero stock.  I then have to refund the customer, then manually go into that item online and select โ€œout of stockโ€.  It seems counter-intuitive.  If the tracked stock gets to zero, it should automatically be tagged as โ€œsold outโ€ for both online and on our POS.  Thank you so much!

Message 128 of 267


Thank you for reaching out:

  • For items that have stock tracking on, inventory can go down to zero or into negative. When the inventory number goes to zero, Square Online blocks purchases for that item online. But the item can still be sold on POS  which results in negative inventory count. We have received different feedback from different sellers on this topic - some want this flexibility to โ€˜Add Anywayโ€™ with a warning dialog, and others don't.
  • For items that do not track stock, a seller can manually mark an item as sold out on POS or on Square Online. This sold out state syncs between Square Online and POS. Marking as sold out still allows seller to โ€˜Add Anywayโ€™ with the warning dialog.
  • Another RST specific functionality is item counts. If a seller is using item counts in RST, those don't sync back to dashboard inventory or Square online.

Our team is actively working on improving  visibility on item availability across sales channels.

Pong Issara Paoluengtong
Product Manager, Square for Restaurants | KDS
Message 129 of 267

It would help a lot to set the MOQ for an item during product setup so we can see the MOQ when we create a PO either with auto or manually. We usually cannot order 1 or 2 of something even if Square doesn't think we sell that many. 


Also, it would be helpful to be able to select multiple items within the Items list then indicate to which PO the items should be added or to create a new PO with the selected Items. The new or existing PO would be updated and the MOQ would be shown in a column next to the current QTY on hand.

Message 130 of 267

Hello @TKS - Thank you for reaching out. This is currently not planned. We will be reassessing our product plan based on feedback collected during AMA.

Message 131 of 267

Is there a way to run a report of items that are removed from inventory that are marked as loss, theft, damage etc?

This could be used for tax write off purposes, double checking lost items, finding patterns of theft among other reasons. 

Message 132 of 267

I agree if we could download the loss, theft, and damage would be beneficial at tax time.


Message 133 of 267

Hello @CandyandMore @RiJu -  Thank you for sharing feedback. The only way to look at these adjustments is in Inventory History. This data is not available for download or in any report. This is currently not planned. We will reassessing our product plan based on feedback received during AMA.

Message 134 of 267


I have a couple items I sell individually and in sets. I.e. Widget A by itself, widget B by itself or the widget starter pack that includes A, B, and a couple small accessories. I donโ€™t want separate inventory of starter packsโ€”we grab those items together when someone wants all of them and then I want that transaction to reduce the inventory of each of the included items. Am I right that this is not available? It feels like a really simple ask but it must be much harder than I would expect. Or it exists and Iโ€™ve somehow failed to discover it. 

Message 135 of 267
Beta Member

This is usually described as "bundles" or "kits." There are other comments in this thread (and other threads) requesting the same. I've been asking for it for a couple years. It'd make my life a whole lot easier!



Message 136 of 267

I have been begging for bundles or kits for over a year.  This has been a requested product feature since 2016.  Still not available.  Don't hold your breath.

Message 137 of 267
Beta Member

Message 138 of 267

@Paulyester @JALS @wheeler1 @LouiseAtTheShop Thank you for reaching out. It is currently not possible to set up an item bundle for sale such that inventory is automatically decremented for each component of the kit when the bundle is sold. Our team is actively working on incrementally adding this inventory functionality. We will follow up with you to better understand your use-case as we build this. Please DM me your contact info and a few time slots that will work best for you in the next 2 weeks.


Message 139 of 267
Beta Member

I need the ability to โ€œbuildโ€ services that utilize inventory items. Every service we perform involves one or more items I inventory. I have reached out for assistance with this previously and was told it was not possibleโ€ฆ This is vital to service businesses. Thank you, in advance, for your consideration in this request.

Message 140 of 267

Hello @kuttersedge Thank you for reaching out. It is currently not possible to set up an item bundle for sale such that inventory is automatically decremented for each component of the kit when the bundle is sold. Our team is actively working on incrementally adding this inventory functionality. We will follow up with you to better understand your use-case as we build this. Please DM me your contact info and a few time slots that will work best for you in the next 2 weeks.

Message 141 of 267
Beta Member

I donโ€™t see a way to DM you, but you can either send me a message through the Square app or via my email. Kutters Edge. Thursdays are my best day as Iโ€™m at my desk instead of on the floor. ๐Ÿ™‚ Iโ€™m on EST, so I could be available after 7pm any weekday, if youโ€™re in a later zone. I look forward to hearing from you. And Iโ€™m happy to help in any way that I can.

Message 142 of 267
Beta Member

What do I do when inventory items are waiting for payment and are not deducted from my inventory. If someone takes a week to pay it looks like that item is still in stock.

Message 143 of 267

@stirredh2o Our team is working on a solution to display an available inventory count which updates upon invoice creation rather than payment. We are looking for sellers to participate in the beta release of the feature, let us know if you are interested!

Message 144 of 267

I have used square for years and love it.  The main thing I would love to see adjusted to the inventory tracking is this.  At my business, customers get different pricing for larger quantities purchased.  However there is no way to track that in Square currently that I am aware of. If I have an item with 3 different price points, I can only track it on one price point-which means having to go back and readjust constantly.

Message 145 of 267

Hello @Shaffe Thank you for reaching out. It is possible to track item variation sales or other types of inventory adjustments in different units of measure through the same physical stock. This feature is currently available as part of Retail Plus package: https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/5957-inventory-plus

We are planning to organize a training session on how to get started with sell-by units if you have a Retail Plus subscription. Stay tuned for the details!

Message 146 of 267
Beta Member

Hi @Tom and @Inventory !


Many of us who use Square Retail are deperate for the inventory to correctly reflect items that have been invoiced, but not yet paid. Square currently shows these items as in stock until the invoice has been paid.  This is incorrect as the item is removed from stock before the invoice is paid. Can you please provide a fix that would show invoiced items as not in stock.  As TSCLAGUNA indicated,  this could be accomplished by adding a "Quantity on Hand" or "Quantity Available" feature.  It is difficult to understand the point of an inventory system that doesn't correctly show available stock.

Message 147 of 267