
[AUS} Inventory Q&A: Ask our product team anything about Square Inventory ๐Ÿ“Š

Calling all sellers โ€” especially those signed up with Square for Retail and Square for Restaurants! Our product team wants to hear your inventory questions and feedback. 





I'm thrilled to introduce you to Mukta Dhanuka (@Inventory), whose team at Square focuses on inventory accuracy across all Square products. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions or share feedback on how it's going with Square Inventory. To learn more about Square Inventory and its features, take a look at our Support Center: Basic Inventory Management


Post your questions to this thread ahead of time and check back with us on Thursday, May 12, 6 a.m. AEST as she and her team respond. If you're not up that early no need to worry - answers will be available for viewing after this time!


A few example questions:

  • What are the best practices that will ensure I'm getting the most out of Square Inventory?
  • What are the latest feature improvements with Square Inventory?
  • If Square Inventory could take care of "_______," it would save me so much time and help me run my business more efficiently.
  • I canโ€™t seem to figure out โ€œ______โ€ or I need help with โ€œ_________โ€.
  • An inventory issue that keeps me up at night is โ€œ____________โ€.
  • I wish Square for Restaurants or Square for Retail would support โ€œ________โ€.


Note: We can't share specific details on our product roadmaps, though this information will be helpful as we continue to make improvements.


Click Reply below to post a question ahead of time, and weโ€™ll address as many posts as we can on Thursday, May 12!๐Ÿ‘‡


Gestora de la Comunidad de Vendedores / Seller Community Manager, Square
Message 1 of 36
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Thank you for every question, feedback and product request. Every discussion thread made this a very engaging and insightful AMA for our team, especially me, as the new Inventory, Product Manager. Your experience and feedback will help us revisit priorities for the product going forward.


We wanted to share a short recap on three themes that came up during inventory AMA event:

  1. Bundles/Kits: This stood out as one of the most frequently requested product features. Our team is actively working on incrementally adding this inventory functionality. We will continue to follow up with you to better understand your use-case as we build this.
  2. PO <-> Items Management:  This was another key area of interest that came up often and the overall sentiment was to have a more cohesive workflow as you make purchased items available for sale; and purchase more items from your vendor based on those sales.
  3. Inventory Availability: We hear this loud and clear to have more accurate โ€˜available for saleโ€™ inventory count versus stock you may still have on hand but committed through online orders or invoices. Our team is also actively working on incrementally building this functionality starting with invoices. Please stay tuned for the updates.


Next Steps:

  1. Trainings: Our team will set up bite size 30 min live trainings for areas where you may need some help to set up or get used to. Our first session about how to set up and use โ€˜sell by unitsโ€™ will be particularly helpful for current and future Square for Retail Plus subscribers. If you are interested, please submit your contact information here: 


    You can also use this form to share if there are any other topics/areas where training might help as you start or continue your Square inventory management journey.
  2. Feature Discovery/Beta: We will closely partner with sellers who have shown interest in product features like kitting/bundling, inventory availability etc. for feedback as we build these functionalities and participation in a product beta rollout.


We are inspired by your diverse businesses and how you want to continue to improve Squareโ€™s products to save you time and make better inventory business decisions that directly affect your brand and cash flow. It was also amazing to see a sense of collaboration and trust, especially experienced sellers helping out other sellers with their experience, within and outside of Square.


For the latest updates on Inventory, visit Product Updates.


Again, thank you for your participation and stay tuned for our next Q&A!


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Message 36 of 36

When will Square accept online sales in decimal amounts, ie 10cm

Message 2 of 36

Square Online team is evaluating requests for decimal quantity support for online sales. If you can share your exact use-case, our team may be able to help you set up a workaround that may work in the meantime. We are also always open to hearing your feedback to improve our product.

Message 3 of 36

Use Case - Retail Grocery store: Needing to weigh items such as fruit, vege, meat.

Message 4 of 36

We are happy with square the way it is and donโ€™t want to change over to square for retail. But we need the summary of our inventory! At tax time itโ€™s essential we can see a total dollar value of all stock held!
All that information already exists in the system anyway. Surely adding a summary option is feasible? 
Square fees are already much higher than most eftpos providers; being told we need to upgrade to a new program to get this basic functionality is not our preferred pathway. 
The current system works well for our business in almost every other way except for thisโ€ฆ 

Message 5 of 36

I would love to be able to see/report on, our shrinkage and loss figures in Square. Is there any way to do this without upgrading to Square Retail? 

Message 6 of 36

It is not even available on retail! I have looked at a lot of posts dating back a couple of years and each response from Square is that we will send this as a feature request but still nothing! Would also love to know when this will happen/be available!

Message 7 of 36

This feature is available in our Square for Retail Plus, it is not available in any of our free plans. To view Loss / Damaged inventory from a Square for Retail Plus account, navigate to Items > Inventory Management > History. Filter for the time period you're interested in and select "Damaged" and "Lost" under the Adjustment Types filter. This will show you all of the lost and damaged inventory.

We're also in the process of building out Variance Reports for after cycle counts or full counts are completed. Variance reports also require Square for Retail Plus and will allows you to see variances (shrinkage/loss) after performing a stock count.

Message 8 of 36

Correct - you have a report that can not be exported to excel - you also need to scroll multiple times to see one month of loss/damaged items. 

We are referring to a report on items not sold at all - so 0 sales. These get lost as there is no way to see an item that has not sold at all. When will this type of report become available?

Message 9 of 36

In order to access this report you'll need to upgrade to Square for Retail Plus. This information can be accessed In Reports > Inventory Reports > Projected Profit under the heading "Total Inventory Value

Message 10 of 36

Hi Leah 

Is total inventory value the number of current inventory * cost price? If that is the case this is not what I am asking.

I am asking about a report that shows items that have not sold at all. So in April I want to pull a report of items not sold in store. Is there a report for this?


Message 11 of 36

Hi, we would love to use square inventory if we are able to sync seamlessly to and from our Word Press ecommerce site. Is this something that can be done?

Message 12 of 36

@TasNum Thank you for reaching out. Square supports plug and play integration with several 3P solutions including WordPress.com. For details, please check out our app marketplace : https://squareup.com/us/en/app-marketplace/app/wordpress-com

Message 13 of 36

Would be awesome if we were able to change the price of an item at checkout. We do have some customers that ask if we can price match, but there is no option to change the price. We have pre set discounts but having an option to just change the price of an individual item would be great.

Message 14 of 36

Thank you @Paint-Shop - Thank you for sharing this. I understand that there are some limitations trying to price match an item during checkout. We will reassess our current product backlog based on AMA feedback.

Message 15 of 36

A price override at checkout would be extremely useful. Particularly to discount quickly without having to go through the current discount process if a customer is waiting. Thanks.

Message 16 of 36

Thanks for the feedback @Cj3294!


A workaround that may come in handy here in the meantime, if you're not already using it, it to create a variably priced discount.


You'll want to switch to a $ discount and leave the amount blank like this. Then whenever you add this to a sale, you can add in a discount for whatever amount you'd like. It's not as elegant as a price over-ride feature, but it may come in handy if you're not already using it!




Square, Australia
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Message 17 of 36

We have multiple Vendors, not sure if it is an option and I haven't worked it out yet but would be really helpful if I was able to just export all items from an individual vendor instead of having to export my whole inventory list. 

Message 18 of 36

@Paint-Shop Thank you for sharing your feedback. This feature is currently not planned. In the coming days, our team will evaluate all product requests shared during AMA for backlog refinement.

Message 19 of 36

Hi Team, 

when will square have a field for description at the product variant level? 

Message 20 of 36

Hello @Chocol8 - Thank you for sharing your feedback. This feature is currently not planned. In the coming days, our team will evaluate all product requests shared during AMA for backlog refinement.

Message 21 of 36