
Zapier trigger for new order of a subscription doesn't give any customer info

If I create a single order the trigger shows me the curstomer name/email/etc. but I create a subscription, I can only see the subscription name and the value. 

Is this a bug? Is there a solution? 

Message 1 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Hey @jacokoppelaar,


Thanks for writing in and welcome to the Seller Community!


Please let us know more about the Zapier integration you've set up, so we try to troubleshoot a bit further 🙂

Message 2 of 6

Hi Arie, thanks for the reply. 


In Zapier, I can only select 2 triggers for Square: New Customer and New Order. 

As our product is sold as a subscription I created a checkout link for our plans. So when a user signs up to upgrade from a Free to a Paid plan, I want to lead him to the Checkout Link for a recurring payment. 


I want to use Zapier to determine that a payment was made so we can upgrade his subscription in the system. To test out the mechanisme, I want to receive an email with the details and do the upgrade manually. 


From this moment there are several problems: 

1.  If a new order is created, the ZAP only receives the line item information and not the customer information (zie output from the trigger below)

2. It looks like the trigger goes of even if the customer doesn't make the payment 

3. And in case of issue 2. it looks like it continues to trigger the email so I receive emails now multiple times per day (I created a link for the actual subscription of 180 per year but never made the payment and there is not any subscription in Square for that line Plan but I receive notifications...)


So these are the main problems from the ZAP Integration. Aside from that, I am not happy with the Checkout link for subscriptions either. What I miss is a form where the customer can enter his Name and Address and an automatic generation of Tax based on his location. In the current setup, I can only hope that the user pays with an email that is the same he is using in our system to match the payment with the subscription. But I will submit another thread for these issues? 


Message 3 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Thank you for providing this extra context, @jacokoppelaar


Zapier integrations can definitely be super helpful in letting you achieve functions that might not be available from Square's end, but they're not built by Square, so we have limited insight into how they work. The partner apps, in this case Zapier, are the ones that handle the integration aspect and which info gets pulled over from us to them. It might be worth submitting a help ticket with Zapier to suggest these improvements. 


I'm going to pass your feedback around the information collected in the subscription check out link. It would be helpful if you could let us know which fields, or options you would like to see for subscriptions so we can pass this along! 


Message 4 of 6


Yes, I will raise the issue of the trigger with Zapier as well but the information provided by the trigger is still a Square thing... next to that I am also surprised that Square let Zapier think that there is new order, while the order doesn't exist at all. 


Regarding your question: When you click the express checkout link (https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLJ55JYQGYTZB/checkout/GORJCL2HUDAQ5NGWBUOLOMPS) the customer can only enter EMAIL, PHONE and FULL NAME. It would be helpful if at least these fields would show up in the trigger. 


Next to that it would be helpful if also address would be collected and the checkout link would automatically apply tax if the customer is from a predefined region (like it works in the manual creation of orders). 


Thanks for checking out!

Message 5 of 6
Square Community Moderator

I see what you mean, @jacokoppelaar! I'll go ahead and pass your suggestion on to our product team. I'll be sure to notify you here once I get an update 👍

Message 6 of 6