
Updates to the Online Store Situation

I appreciate all the hard work and effort that is going into improving and updating the online store. There are some things are still lacking in online ordering. 

The individual enabling doesn't do much for us (recent update post by @PeteyD ). I need to separate pickup and delivery as buttons on the item fulfillment method screen (right now it's "Shipping", "Pickup and Delivery" or "all"). I don't want to have to offer delivery on everything that is also pickup (ie coffee drinks). 


Here's a list I have going that I add to when I see something lacking on any front for the online ordering:

  1. We'd love to be able to undo marking something as "picked up" - too many accidents on this
  2. I'd love to be able to search orders on the Square app on the iPad (ie by name of customer on the order)
  3. I'd love for it to sort by pickup time on the Square app on the iPad - right now it's a hot mess and we're making drinks out of order. 
  4. Separate pickup and delivery online as a fulfillment method. (see above statement)
  5. I'd love the addition of curbside info - car make and color, allowing them to reply to the text as "here" so they don't have to call us but it will update on the app. 
  6. We use KDS for our kitchen and lunch orders - but when they order online the KDS isn't reading the pickup time or date for the order. Not sure whose side this would be on. 
  7. Upcoming orders. We're having a problem with this because of stock and pastries. Upcoming orders don't print, we don't see them, etc. so we aren't able to pull the pastries and because we can still sell things that are "out of stock" on the register, we oversell items and it's an issue.
  8. Toast POS doesn't allow "out of stock" items to be sold on the register in-store. Might be nice to allow enabling of this feature so we don't oversell items. 

Are these things on the burner for future updates? We're getting frustrated and it's hard to find workarounds. Happy to talk to somebody on the phone at any time - please reach out. 


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Thanks for this thorough list and following in hopes that it is responded to.


We'd like to add:

- ability to choose delivery time, not just next available, within separately programmable "delivery hours"

- It is confusing for our customers to see the time "pickup after (next available time)" on the online cart (right hand panel) view but not be able to change it even though there is an edit button but for location only, they don't know they will be able to change it during checkout after email and address, and many bail before then and pick-up the phone to order instead (if we're lucky). Using a pop-up to explain very briefly how our website works not ideal. 

- order notification to the store via text, these days not always near POS but in kitchen. 

- we are a one location venture why do we have all these extra links and pop-ups to choose or edit the location when they don't even apply. 

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Hey! Thanks for adding your comments! 

I will say that you can download the Weebly app to your phone and it will send a notification every time an order comes in - I have that set up on my phone right now!

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Great thank you! We'll give that a shot. We had enabled special sounds for the email that is sent but that email address receives alot of other stuff too so less than ideal.

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Would love to get your thoughts on this

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