
How to add the option for `requestPayerEmail` for the Google Pay Button

Based on the Google Pay documentation, there is a way to require the user email when it's paying through a Google Pay button, for Apple pay I was able to get a similar behavior adding the requiredShippingContactFields field to the Payment Object I create in the SqPaymentForm but for Google Pay, I'm not been able to do the same...


Message 1 of 4

The requiredShippingContactFields isn’t a field of ours, so we aren't quite sure what you're referring to there, @tmueller.


However, if you set requestShippingAddress to true in the PaymentRequest object of the createPaymentRequest callback, then GooglePay should return the email from the buyer (it’s marked as required on our end). This would be a good resource to reference, if you aren't already. I hope this helps!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 4

Hey there,


In my Square online store, if someone pays with Google Pay, it doesn't require the customer to enter their name or phone number.  It jumps past the screen where a customer would normally input that info (plus pickup info) and just completes the order.   It seems like it just autofills the order with whatever the customer has saved in their Google Pay account.  So, if someone doesn't have a name & number saved, it doesn't show up in our order.


We need customer names and phone numbers in order to properly fill orders that come in through our store.  Is it possible to fix this issue?


Thank you!


Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hi @pomellaoakland 👋 thanks for reaching out to us here on the Seller Community! We are happy to have you join us here again.


I've gone ahead and merged your post into an existing thread of Sellers who were also looking for information regarding Google Pay and accepting contact information with customers.


You are correct, the crux of Google and Apple pay is to quickly allow customers to auto fill information for checkout. The downside here is that if a customer hasn't fully completed their buyer profile information, this info will not come through on the order.


Take a look at this Best Answer thread from Valentina. She will provide some helpful workarounds and resources to resolve this for you. If those don't get you where you need to be, feel free to also reach out to our Support Team directly.

Community Moderator, Square
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