
API v2 Transaction API - Invoices - no Due Date or RequestedAt date

Hi there,


We use Square app to create and send invoices.


We are using the v2 CustomersApi->listCustomers() and v2 TransactionsApi->listTransactions() to try and read the daily transaction history for our account.   We are just trying to autoamtically update our own accounting records whenever a Square invoice has been paid successfully ...


I can pull a Transaction list succesfully, but each 'Transaction' seems to be stateless.  It is just a record of the payment bbeing made, with no link or reference to the Invoice that was paid.

There is a "CreatedAt" date, but no "RequestedAt" date or "DueAt" date, or InvoiceID, etc.

A Customer can pay an Invoice over a period of time.  I cannot seem to find any way to connect what invoice a Transaction belongs to ...

P.S.  I'm surprised (and disappointed) that the API lacks basic reporting and information features.  It would seem that reading daily transactions (Customers, Orders/Invoices, Transactions) *should* be top on the API dev priority list ... ?

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Hi @Gemini420. We escalated this to our API team who confirmed that the ability to see the status of an invoice or have the invoice number associated to ListTransactions isn't available with our APIs at this time.


I'm really sorry for the conern this caused and thank you for posting this in the Sellerl Community. If this does become available in future we'll update this post, as well the relevant API documentation.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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