
Payroll Reporting Errors

I started with Square Payroll in 2023, Q2 after having used Gusto for a couple of years.  At the time their support was lacking and they seemed not to be able to correct my billing from 2 locations down to one.  What was attractive is the ease staff can clock in with Square POS, and I can easily correct on the app (yes other services have that too). I had mistakenly believed that Square would manage payroll well and in may respects they have until they don't!  Then try to get an error fixed.  When I set up the account, whoever did the backend set up, had me report annually, and did not check with me or Gusto.  After my first IRS notice I called and asked that if be corrected and reports sent.  That never happened (the correct reports), but they did finally get the quarterly filing done.  Today I find out IRS is still looking for Q2, Q3, Q4 941 and the 940.  Today Square Payroll tells me that I need to send them in.  I reminded them that as a fiduciary it is their responsibility to manage my reports properly.  I was not even able to speak to "The Department" to let them know that it is their responsibility to manage my account properly.  So now I file a legal claim against them in small claims court, and switch payroll services.

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

Hey there @madfolder 


First, sorry to hear about there frustrations. They are never fun. Normally, I would ask for specifics about what issues you are having and try to assist you in resolving them. But you mentioned that you have initiated legal action, I and your other fellow sellers are restrained from assisting you. Once the courts are involved you’re on your own with them. We can’t expose ourselves to any legal liability here. 

I hope things work out for you. Best of luck with your switch to a new provider.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA Website Facebook
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 2 of 3

I have not initiated any action yet, hoping that someone internally wakes up. It’s my last action if I can’t get resolution. I just hate having to hold that as a threat. Square has a fiduciary responsibility. I am just asking that it honors it. If you can help then it’s a win- win


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