
If you had to pick one feature you feel Square's platform is missing, what would it be? ๐Ÿช„

Hi Seller Community. We here at Square are wondering...


If you had to pick one feature you feel Square's platform is missing, what would it be?




We look forward to reading your replies! ๐Ÿ‘€ 

Message 1 of 380
2 Best Answers

Best Answer

I would like to see a price override option.  This option will allow you to change the price of any item temporally "for this sale only" on the fly like at the POS counter on the register.  


IE. Customer comes to your location, selects an item they wish to buy and requests a lower price due to damage to item or other reasons...  (would need manager approval) you would touch the price of the item and change it. then a box would popup for reasons IE  Damage,late delivery, price was advertised at a lower price, price match at other stores etc... or Other "type in reason."


I dont think this is much to ask and would benefit everyone using the system

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Message 236 of 380

Best Answer

Custom client profiles. Where we can put in notes about the client that shows up when we click their name and not just in a certain appointment.

Regina Knox

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Message 359 of 380
379 REPLIES 379

Inventory that takes items out of inventory when invoiced not when paid, been waiting over 4 years for this to get fixed.


Message 22 of 380

YES!!! it should also be taken out when its added to a saved ticket/cart!! That would be amazing!

Message 23 of 380

Agreed. This is a very annoying thing. Also, when someone makes a deposit on something it should record that deposit in your sales for the day. Not just when the whole order is paid for. We all function on cash basis accounting not accrual. 


Message 24 of 380

How are you able to take a deposit?

Message 25 of 380

I prefer not to see it in sales figures until it is paid off.  If it must be on that day, I would like it in its own section. 

Message 26 of 380
Square Champion

Restaurant plus features on square register 

Jacob - He/ Him
JJs Meat Shak - Co-Owner& Operations Manager
Supper Seller- Here to help! Just Ask!
Message 27 of 380

1-The ability to CHOOSE/ or include ALL/ Some of my customers in marketing not just the ones who pay through credit card with Square. Perhaps figure out a way to incentivize them to use a credit card.


2-a campaign that messages clients automatically after their first visit.


3- incorporate Canva into the marketing somehow...


4- campaign to track referrals and reward clients for referrals... maybe where both get a discount?


5-default messages to set up and choose from for first visits for clients...

Message 28 of 380

#2 currently exists, I can't post a screenshot but go to campaigns>Create>email>automated and it's the first option

Message 29 of 380

1 - I have many customers in my directory list that do not pay with credit card. With the "All Customers" option all of my available-to-contact members get the notice. And It's pretty easy to create groups and narrow that list down for various reasons as well. 


2 - @supernicenyc nailed it. I've had this campaign going for years, it's been very effective!


4 - Love this idea, it would be great to turn customers into distributors by allowing them to" stack" others onto their order via an app or text message as well as refer others via a link. The analytics and rewards would be very helpful and turn the "subscription expense" into a revenue generator for the business and square. 


5 - default templates for basic regularly sent emails can be useful especially as a business is beginning to use the tools for the first time. 

Take care of yourself and, as life provides, someone else too.
Message 30 of 380

@Anthem what kind of a email are you sending your customers after the first visit?

Message 31 of 380

It is an automated email, one of the options inside Square Marketing, that is sent every time a credit card is used for the first time and the user's email address is available. We have a 48% open rate on this email - one of our best. Here is a sample of what the email looks like. 




Take care of yourself and, as life provides, someone else too.
Message 32 of 380
Square Champion

The ability to accept Coupons and reduce the inventory of the item sold.  I have a work around but it does not reduce the inventory item.

Pocono Candle

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Message 33 of 380

As curbside has developed, it'd be nice that the customer's order isn't "fired" till they've arrived. The McDonald's app works well in this regard. You then "check in" to Curbside, tell us what slot you're in,  and the payment is then taken. The food is then began to be prepared.


Customers can get their whole order ready any time, spend as much time as they'd like and when they arrive, the payment is formally taken and the food ticket is produced for the kitchen.

Message 34 of 380

The ability to ask if the customer requires utensils for food orders. So much unnecessary expensive trash going out the door

Message 35 of 380

We just added a modifier that said "Please Include Utensils" for our items that may require them.

It seems to work well. 

Message 36 of 380

the ability to calculate a tip for service-only items in the check-out cart (currently it calculates a tip on both services and products)

Message 37 of 380

YES to this 1000000 times!!

Message 38 of 380
Square Champion

Square allows you to turn on tax for individual items. You can even add exemption rules to items or dining items.

I don't charge tax for labor, but tangible items get taxed. Just turn off tax on items you don't want it on?

Orlando Perrone
Perrone Technologies: The Computer Shop
Message 39 of 380

I would like the ability to charge for a project so the client can see what is all included without having to see every itemized price. Also would be nice to have a short contract from them to sign on the invoice. Maybe I'm on the wrong platform lol

Message 40 of 380
Square Champion

Why don't you create an item called Project Total and only put the total price in there? Then put all your items on the invoice but have $0 as their price. This way they can see what they are getting but you have the total only on one item line.

Orlando Perrone
Perrone Technologies: The Computer Shop
Message 41 of 380

I would love to have the ability to merge similar items together in the inventory. The first 4-5 months I used Square I would add each item into the inventory individually, say for example if you had a certain brand item that came in six different colors I would make six different entries in the inventory. They all would be identical, except of course the SKU, and in the name the only difference would be the color. Thankfully I finally discovered variants and my time entering inventory was easily cut in half! All I had to do was make the item and then fill in all the info and make a variant for each color. Making a new color and putting in the SKU took like 30 seconds compared to the old way of making a whole new entry and spending 3-5 minutes per color change. Now half of my inventory looks super nice and has dropdowns and the other half looks like a kindergartener put it in lol. I would love to be able to click on the old ones and for example click on a cup that I'm selling and click on all of the different colors for it and then have a button, off to the side, that would pop up and say "merge" like it does when you go to the customer section and find a customer with multiple entries. Then I could click yes and it would bring up a box with all the info for each entry point and all the colors now logged under variants. Then it would let you look it over and edit anything you need to and when you were satisfied you could click save and it would merge them while also moving all the history for each item into that new slot as well. The only way we currently have to do this is by making a whole new one and putting them all into it and then deleting all the old ones which makes our inventory history look absolutely appalling and also making it look like we took HUGE losses on products. Thank you for your time and sorry for the long post. Keep up the great work! Oh!, one more thing. It would also be nice if you guys implemented a tier system with certain levels that you could hit throughout the year and each time you reach a certain level of sales maybe you guys could lessen what you take in fees. I understand you have to make money as well but after paying over a couple grand for your hardware and then the monthly fees for the inventory system and any other add-ons we choose to use it really starts to add up! Each time we pick a new feature like a mailing campaign or payroll we get charged more. I think the card swipe fees are fine but when you also take 3.5% of the total sale (then drop to 2.5% after a certain amount of swipes per day) it really starts to add up. It would really be nice if like every 10k or 50k etc. in sales you hit for the year that the percent you guys take of sales could drop slightly. I'm already over 5 grand in credit card processing charges and we haven't even been open for a year yet! It just seems like this is way more than it should be but maybe it's just me? It is my first time owning a business so I don't truly know what is considered normal. In the past I was a GM for a couple different companies and I only ever remember hearing the owners gripe about the 35 or 25 cent swipe fees. If anyone can shed some light on this I would be grateful. Thanks!

Message 42 of 380