
Restaurants Revitalization Fund: Common Questions & Answers

Hi Food and Beverage Sellers! 


Square will start enabling applications for the Restaurants Revitalization Fund (RRF) today Monday, May 3rd at 12:00 PM EST. This plan includes a $28.6 billion fund for awards to eligible businesses, administered by the SBA. Square is working with the SBA to help business owners apply for an award if they are eligible. If you meet the program requirements, you can submit your application through your Square Dashboard or through the SBA Portal. If you are eligible to apply through Square, we will pre-fill your application with information you have on your Square account.


I encourage you all to take a look at the Live Q&A: Restaurant Revitalization Fund for Square Food and Beverage Sellers for common questions and answers. I’ve also included an overview of the Live Q&A below:


When can you apply:

  • Applications start on Monday 5/3 at 12:00 p.m EST / 9:00 a.m. PST.
  • The SBA has a registration window open on Friday 4/30, but if you plan to apply through Square you do not need to register with the SBA. 


Who can apply through Square:

  • To determine if you are an eligible business type, you’ll need to visit SBA’s website (sba.gov/restaurants).
  • If you processed with Square in 2019 and 2020 (Table 1 or 2 in the RRF application), you can apply through Square’s dashboard or the SBA. If you used multiple POS providers during that period or had supplemental income e.g. from online ordering apps, you can still apply with Square. You’ll be able to add supplementary income information — but the SBA may require you to provide additional documentation before you e-sign your application.
  • If you began processing with Square in 2020 or 2021 (Table 3 in the RRF application), then you will need to apply through the SBA. You can get useful information from your Square account to include in your application — to learn how, please take a look at our Support Center.


Why you should or should not apply with Square

  • If you apply through Square can save time completing and submitting your application with pre filled data from your Square account.
  • Submitting through Square can help you get your application in front of the SBA quickly — before the RRF funds run out.
  • Square will enable you to add supplemental revenue information in your application for either Table 1 or Table 2 applicant. However, if you are a Table 3 applicant, you will need to apply via SBA because Square will not let you upload supporting documentation for eligible expenses. 


How can you apply with Square:

  • If you are eligible to apply through Square, you’ll need to log in to your dashboard when the application window opens, using the owner’s login. From there, you’ll find a specific RRF module from where you can start your application.
  • Square will have pre-filled your application with the information we know about your business. That said, there is information we do not have access to. To complete your application as fast as possible we recommend to have the following information handy:
    • The date (day, month, and year) you began operations.
    • How many months you operate in every location. This is especially important if you operate a seasonal business. 
    • Any additional income you may have earned in 2019 and 2020 that was not processed through Square. Ideally you are tracking this income by location. If this information is not available feel free to distribute this across locations ensuring the total revenue by location (through Square and other sources)stays under $5M.
    • Your PPP loan information — especially if you did not process these loans with Square.
  • After submitting your award application through your Square Dashboard, you’ll need to eSign your application. Here’s how it works:
    • Open an email from Square with the title “Your RRF award application is not yet complete.” Follow the link in the email to visit the SBA portal.
    • If you see a page with the title “Third Party Signup,” you are in the right spot. Enter the text you see in the grey pixelated image in the appropriate field and click Complete Sign Up.
    • You’ll then receive an email from SBA with the title “SBA Restaurant Revitalization Fund - Password Reset E-mail.” Click the link included in the email to reset your password.
    • Once you complete your password reset, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Sign and Submit Application to sign your application via DocuSign.
    • The SBA may also require additional documentation for your application if you indicated revenue outside of Square. From the SBA portal, you will be able to upload supporting documentation to the Additional Info Needed section if required by the SBA.


How can you get help if you have more questions?

  • If you have more granular questions about the application process, eligibility, or awards, please reach out to the designated SBA helpline (844-279-8898) or the SBA district office. Applicants can call this number for multilingual application or program support.
  • Reach out to your SBA District Office: Applicants can reach out to their local District Office for tailored regional SBA support.


Note: You will be able to apply through Square if we have available processing data for at least a portion of 2019 and 2020 available through your Square account. If you are able to apply through Square, you will see a module on your online Square Dashboard prompting you to begin the application. If you apply through Square you do not need to register through the SBA portal. If you began processing with Square in either 2020 or 2021, we recommend that you apply through the SBA Portal. Square will not be able to support these applications and you will not see a module on Dashboard to begin your application.


Update: The SBA has announced that they will officially stop accepting applications for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) on Monday, May 24, at 8 p.m. ET.

Gestora de la Comunidad de Vendedores / Seller Community Manager, Square
Message 1 of 674
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Apologies for the issues! Here is the latest in updates:

  • Withdrawing applications - In the instance that you made an error or submitted an incorrect application, you are now able to withdraw your application from the SBA Portal and restart your application through your Square Dashboard. To begin this process, login to the SBA portal with your SBA user ID and click “withdraw.” Once you withdraw your application, you will be able to see the RRF “Start Application” module on Square Dashboard. Please keep in mind, fields that you previously filled out in your application will not be retained and you will need to fill out your information again. Once you submit the application again through Square, you will receive a new SBA user ID to login to the SBA portal and login to eSign your application.
  • Annualizing receipts - We were informed by the SBA that there was an error in some RRF award calculations. Impacted sellers have been emailed and will need to re-submit their application through Square. This will ensure that the potential award amount is correctly reflected in their application. We apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to resubmit your application. Square is not involved in the allocation or determination of any funds. For any further questions or information, please reach out to the SBA.
  • Issues with emails not received -In the case that we were not able to successfully submit your application through Square to the SBA due to an error in the application, you will receive an email letting you know that there was an error with your application, what the error was, and prompting you to resubmit through your Square Dashboard to resolve the error. If Square was unable to submit your application to the SBA, you will receive an email prompting you to apply through the SBA.
  • General application glitches - If this issue is still happening after signing out/signing back in, please reach out to our Support team so they can file a ticket with our engineers.

I'll be sure to share any additional updates on this thread. 

Gestora de la Comunidad de Vendedores / Seller Community Manager, Square

View Best Answer >

Message 457 of 674
673 REPLIES 673

I'm hoping that Square is correct in using line 1a gross receipts numbers, because I also used 1a when applying directly through the SBA after seeing how Square was doing it. This discrepancy is going to cause big differences for companies that give a lot of discounts or have lots of returns and who also applied directly through the SBA. The program guide is pretty clear on how it defines Gross Receipts to be using line 1c:


From page 19: 


"1. Gross receipts:

  • The amounts required to calculate gross receipts varies by the entity tax return type:
  • For self-employed individuals (IRS Form 1040 Schedule C): line 3 (If you file multiple Schedule C forms on the same Form 1040, you must sum across all of them)
  • For partnerships (IRS Form 1065): line 1c
  • For S-Corporations (IRS Form 1120-S): line 1c
  • For C-Corporations (IRS Form 1120): line 1c
  • LLCs: Use one of the above
  • B Corporations: Use line 1c from either IRS Form 1120 or 1120S"

I guess I'll find out soon enough. 

Message 589 of 674

The sample application I downloaded from the SBA is only 16 pages long as has nothing like what you included. So, I have no idea. I'm pulling for ya though.

Message 590 of 674

wow great job square.. I applied on the 4th and Go approved today and they said funding by Tuesday.. Very easy process... thanks Biden now lets get back to work..

Message 591 of 674

Same here but mine said funding 3-7 days praying for 3!!!

Message 592 of 674

Anyone got approved through square without attaching 2019 tax return?

Message 593 of 674

Yes, we didn't have to include or upload anything else.

Message 594 of 674

we didn't do anything I would suggest just take the square est.. if you are going to nickel and Dime.. I think you are in trouble already.. most business would be happy to get a grant for anything and if you are a real business person you will make it work and us it get caught up and grow.... this grant came out of nowhere so I am happy to take what the west is rather then send in a million extra forms and try to get more just to have it under review.. for weeks.. the process square using is they take credit card total credit card sales from 2019 and subtract it from 2020 if the difference is to bring you up to the 2019 level in 2020.. thats it .. so if you did processing with a bunch of other processors.. it will delay it.. seeing as we just used the square figures.. we went from under review to approved in 48 hrs.. all done yeah I could have gotten 5-8 k more but when 2-3 months I don't want wait I want ti now that everything is opening back up in Cali and get inventory and just get going, and forget 2020 I am not one to dwell on the past any longer .. things are looking up and I wanna run with it..just my mindset.. not gonna stress over a few k

Message 595 of 674

If you processed through other Systems you are still supposed to report that as gross receipts so the number matches tax returns. The grant is based off of tax return number totals not one processor out of many. So saying people should use Square to get funding quicker and leave out other income isn’t how the grant is designed

to work, and that isn’t legal. 


Message 596 of 674

Not sure if you were responding to me about the difference between line 1a and 1c gross sales numbers on the tax returns, but I wasn’t saying that I’m stressing over small differences in awards. And sure, we’re lucky to have this opportunity. I’m trying to streamline the process, knowing that any errors put you at the back of the line because you have to resubmit if any numbers are off. Square submissions didn’t work for everyone here and it had bugs in the transfer of information. A lot of us had to apply directly through the SBA. If we don’t know which line from our tax forms to use then our apps get booted to the end of the line. And the difference really isn’t nickel and diming at all. For a tiny company like mine, Square using line 1a would have given us an extra $1,500. Sure, Not much. But a lot of companies applying have revenue in the millions, which means a potential difference of $100K+ extra. Multiply even tiny differences like $1,000 here and there for the thousands of Square applicants and the result is easily tens of millions extra RRF funds going to Square customers using line 1a instead of line 1c from the program guide. The end result is less businesses overall receiving funding and fewer getting more than they should.

Message 597 of 674

I got approved in 48 hours too. How long did it take for them to fund? Thanks

Message 598 of 674

I'm with you Whippdla2241. I could have reported the extra sales we get through Uber but it was only an extra 7k or so. I didn't want to hold up the process over that. I'd rather get something than nothing. My tax return numbers were actually higher but my application request was a lower number, It was accepted and awarded. I guess they don't care if we are asking for less than we could get. That's just more money that can help others. More people getting a piece of the pie. I'm ok with that.

Message 599 of 674

Anyone getting approval emails today?

Shawn Nickerson
10 Years of Coffee in Bellevue
Message 600 of 674

No, but they are answering emails which means they are working and should dump a large batch tomorrow. 

Message 601 of 674

I got my approval email yesterday 

Message 602 of 674

I received and email approval on Saturday. Submitted application on Monday, received the signature email on Thursday.

Message 603 of 674

Anyone else from the priority groups, and who applied directly through the SBA, still stuck in IRS Verification stage?

Message 604 of 674

I'm priority, Applied through Square, been on Under Review for a while



Shawn Nickerson
10 Years of Coffee in Bellevue
Message 605 of 674



Message 606 of 674

I am 😞 I applied the day it opened.  Are you still in that status today?

Message 607 of 674

Anyone funded yet?? I was approved Saturday. 

Message 608 of 674

I got approved Thursday SBA deposited the money today...unfortunately it was returned because I used my chime account so any chime folks out there are getting another account ready because they sent it back 

Message 609 of 674