
What work does your business need to succeed during/after COVID?

Hi Seller Community,


The world has changed. Restaurants have shifted to take out, delivery, reduced capacities and outdoor seating. Many businesses are still waiting to re-open and some sellers have even changed their business model completely to stay open.


Every business has different needs, and different opportunities. The goal of the Seller Community is to help sellers everywhere grow and run their business (with our products or otherwise). We’re proud that Square has responded by building features like a directory for  eGift Card sellersa Stand for new iPads to enable contactless payments on more devices, and we continue to release new features for Square Online Store.


We also know that we cannot impact every area of businesses that needs to change to succeed in this new landscape. So for that reason we want to ask:


  • What work does your business need to succeed during and after COVID? For example, do you need help adding or improving an outdoor dining area? Or do you need help online, like learning how to boost eCommerce sales?


  • Do you have a business that can help other businesses succeed during these times? If so, what services do you offer? Or do you have experience that would help someone else?


  • If you’re having success now, what is working well for you?


Please share your thoughts by using the reply button to write a response to this post, or reply to other sellers that have posted below. When you reply you can include:


  • The work you need done or the services you can provide
  • Your business name and location (pictures welcome!)
  • Your business website or Square Online Store
️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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