
Health Intake form

Any updates on when or if Square will ever add a feature of being able to include a Health Intake form(or other forms) that can be automatically sent to clients, when they schedule an appointment?   

The Square community has been asking for this feature to be added for years and it's ridiculous it still hasn't happened. 

Responses from Square support have always been that users can add a workaround by using Jotforms, etc, but this is not efficient.   

I've explored using Acuity, Vagaro, Noterro, MassageBook, Timely and many others and they all have this feature.

We've wanted to stay with Square, because we don't want to have to use several different programs to manage our appointment scheduling, payment processing, etc, but it makes it so difficult to continue to stay with Square when Square is so far behind with adding some of the simple features that these other providers include(especially with a Square price increase coming).  Unfortunately, it's now getting to a point that switching to a different program may be the only viable option to help keep our business moving forward, benefit our clients, etc. 

Square would make so many users so much happier by including a couple added features and tweaks and would no doubt obtain even more users and dominate the market.   

Listen to your users! 

Thank you...

Holistic Wellness Practitioner
Message 1 of 13
Square Champion

I know they are working on those features as I've requested them myself and received positive responses from Square. Try joining the  Square Beta testing group to get access to things faster and have a direct voice on what changes would help your business.  The more of us that request the same thing the higher up on the list those features move. 


Haute Beauty Guide
Message 2 of 13

Thanks for the reply.  Yeah, I understand sometimes things take time, but if a community search is done on this topic, there's users that have been asking/waiting for this feature for over 4yrs, so that's the frustrating part.    The top industries using Square are restaurants and retail, so I also just don't think features of this nature get much priority/attention since it's not nearly as much of a requirement for Square's core users.   

But I agree, we all have to just keep requesting it and maybe at some point, they'll hear us and it'll happen(hopefully before I decide to switch..haha).   Thanks for the reminder about the Beta testing, I had thought about joining it and then completely forgot.   


Holistic Wellness Practitioner
Message 3 of 13

I'm in total agreement with you @alignedbody! I'm shocked that this feature hasn't been done yet. I've been using Square for almost 10 years and it has come a long way but other platforms (Acuity, Vagaro, Schedulicity, etc) are all lightyears ahead of Square when it comes to the personal service industry. The other platforms allow a waitlist option and  allow add-ons to be added to clients' appointments. I as the admin can add it... but my clients can't before they schedule their appointment. I think the personal industry side should be alot farther than it currently is. 

Message 4 of 13

If you use square online you can upload a pdf into a page or blog post and then email the link to the clients. You could also input the link directly into your client communication emails. 

Message 5 of 13

So then your client has to print it off and fill it out? This is what I’m trying to get away from. People’s handwritings are hard to read and my assistant will sometimes mess up the emails because it’s hard to read. I would like the information prior to meeting them. My whole point to having an online form is for the client to fill it out and I can read everything prior to the appointment. It also seems to prevent the perverts from making appointments if they have to fill out information.

Message 6 of 13

I like control over what is sent to my clients, so I use Google Forms for my New Guest Intake data, client surveys, and photo releases.
I have all New Guests go to my website and fill out a New Client Intake Form. It is a Google Form that I have a button for on my website. From this form, I add their information into my Google Contacts and then also in Square when I schedule their service appointments. 

Message 7 of 13

I already do this with Google Forms but thank you. I’d rather have things more streamlined like other platforms do. Google forms keeps breaking and had to remove it from my website. This is counterproductive to me. The whole point have an online form is so they can do it prior to their appointment. If it was already an option, they could have that information filled out when making the appointment. It also seems to prevent the perverts from making appointments if they have to fill out information.

Message 8 of 13

Sorry it has been breaking for you. I had had great luck with mine and always had them fill it out online, priior to their appointments. 

Message 9 of 13

Mozart.MD just released a HIPAA-compliant digital intake form solution that integrates deeply with Square Appointments. See: https://squareup.com/us/en/app-marketplace/app/mozart-md

Message 10 of 13

Is there a place we can request this to be noticed in very high demand to push this issue? I desperately need online consent forms for my clients. 

Message 11 of 13

I wish!!!! It has only been repaired since 2017 or 2018 by hundreds of people. Looks like MozartMD has a really good option but at $30/mo. Not sure why they can’t get this integrated and save people money and time. I use jotform and then have it transferred in by zapier but I’ve had tons of issues with it

Message 12 of 13

I use jotforms for my intake forms. It’s a free platform and I send my clients the link before their appointment.

Message 13 of 13