Hi, everyone! Welcome to the Artists & Makers group in Seller Community! Whether you're selling your work or selling items made by others, this is the group for...
Group Hub Activity
Hi! My name is Nancy. I own a business that focuses on handmade artisan jewelry and diversifying into sun catchers. My husband works the ironworks side (that's the plan). Our business name is Knucklehead Jewelry and Ironworks. What have pieces of advise do you have for 1st year businesses to help make sure they're around for the long run? Also, this is a side hustle and we have 2 young kids so life plays a huge part in not being able to do the things we want to do.
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I have a market in early March, the biggest i have ever attended with my crafts. I am also currently expanding my product base, revamping my website, and launching a YouTube channel. Ugh fun! Lol. The real question is how to gage how much product I need on hand and should I bother with custom order forms?
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- Tips & Tricks
With a late start setting my store up at the end of the holiday shopping season, I’m wanting to look at last minute ideas to promote sales before the end of the year. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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Hi I have been setting up my shop Oh Handmade By Nat and wondered if anyone could take a look and give me some feed back. I have set up facebook, instagram and pinterest to advertise it. I have also set up google search console, google analytics and bing search as well. I have noticed on google search console that my website isn't being index although google has crawled it. I tested My urls and google said they were fine and could be indexed, so I requested google to crawl them again. I have also submitted my site map to google. I also noticed that when I entered the names of other square site in google, bing and yandex they also werent showing up. Is there a problem with square sites being indexed by the search engines? Any help will be gratefully recieved. Thanks Nat
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Hey all, Happy Tuesday! So I'm feeling frustrated today.
For six months now, I've been posting to Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. The top platforms used by my target audience. My website is mobile friendly. The top method my target audience uses to view those platforms. I've paid for advertising on all three. I post regularly and I have a decent (at least I think so) sized inventory to choose from. I've also encouraged feedback and input (looking for what THEY want to see). And nothing. I'm even hosting a giveaway for two beautiful Christmas cards with matching envelopes-- crickets. What am I doing wrong? Is the market more saturated with makers than buyers? Is it the current economy?
I don't believe it's the price because I feel my current pricing structure is acceptable considering size and materials. My ONLY sale was to a Co-worker who bought 10 cards but won't be needing anymore for at least a year! 😞
Any input would be extremely appreciated at this time.
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