
How to disconnect from Paypal to change currency from USD to AUD

Hi ... would appreciate a little help please.

I have set up a store in Weebly but it is displaying my pricing as USD.

I see a message which tells me that I need to disconnect from PayPal to change currency.

I have:-

  • Clicked on “Account”.
  • Navigated to the section “External Account Associations”.
  • Found the current PayPal id in the “Merchant Account” section.
  • Clicked “remove association” link to delete the existing PayPal id from myWeebly account 
  • Logged out and logged back into Weebly Editor to administer my site
  • Clicked on the “Store” tab in Weebly editor.
  • Clicked on the “Settings” tab.
  • Clicked on “Checkout” tab.
  • Click on the “Connect” button under PayPal section
  • BUT the Connect Gateway DOES NOT appear.

It seems to reconnect automatically with the original settings and I am back where I started, locked in to USD again.

How can I get the currency to display as AUD?

BUT on returning to Checkout to connect to PayPal

Message 1 of 3

What site are you doing this with, @EmCee? PayPal is a part of our Business upgrade, so if you haven't upgraded the site to Business you won't be able to connect to it.

Message 2 of 3

We have a Pro account. This particular issue is now resolved THO we had logged in and out several times and restarted computers several times in an effort to effect the necessary change.  Miraculously in the late evening, it resolved .... can't explain how and would have liked it to happen sooner as we lost half a day  .... but it is now okay.  Thankyou Adam for responding so promptly.

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