
navigation menu font color

Hi everybody,

i know it is a returning topic.. but here it is again..

I want to change the color of the navigation menu to the color of the dot and tilde in my logo. (orange/hower: blue)


I cannot find where to change it in the CSS .. have tried.. but ...

Some help would be great!

thank you!!


Message 1 of 2

1. Including your multi-colored logo as a menu item. 

While it is possible in HTML to use a span to color individual letters in a string of text. There is nothing that I'm aware of that lets you color one part of a letter & not the other. as you do in the "i". 

You may be able to do some magic by creating your own font, but even then the CSS style sets the font properties. 

This leaves you with using an image, (perhaps defined as a SVG).  
Or as you have done. just use a Logo in your header. 

2. Changing the Navigation Font color

In most Themes, font color is not avaiable in the Themes / Change Font / Font Navigation Section. 

So you need to use Themes / Edit HTML CSS 

In the new V2.0 Themes. 

Edit: STYLES: variables_light.less or variables_dark.less (depending on if you selected the light or dark variation. 

then edit the variable @fill: #000000 & make it whatever colour you want eg: #0000FF for blue

In the older themes:

Edit: STYLES: main.less

For main nav search for NAV. Then scoll to
.menu a {
       color: #3b3b3b;
Change as desired. 

For Sub menu nav search for NAV. Then scoll to

#wsite-menus .wsite-menu li a {
    font-family: 'Lato-light', sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #3B3B3B;
    font-weight: 700;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    padding: 10px 0 !important;
    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
    border: none;

Change as desired. 

Most themes use the same font color for the Mobile menus. So you shouldn't have to change that. But if you do, keep looking for NAV in the tags & eyeball to see if they are setting any Color attributes. 

How this helps


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