
WE NEED an anti adblock app

Just a suggestion for the weebly team, wordpress has a few anti adblock apps which helps us leverage the harm done to our revenue.

We need an antiblock app so we can keep up with our income. I tried looking for something similar for weebly but found nothing yet.


Message 1 of 8

You're welcome to post this to our Vote on Features board if you'd like us to add something for that, @Funnymask.

Message 2 of 8

@Funnymask:  Why?  We like to visit websites and not reminded to buy Brooklyn Bridge or swamp land in Florida.

Message 2 of 8

Advertisements worked for television for years. They still do. Even despite all those people who hit the fridge / toilet during the commercials. 

Have you ever bought a magazine? Newspaper? They used to be quite popular. Me, personally, I rarely paid for them - I hated having to BUY one, then also having to sift through the pages ("...continued on p. 76...") because of all the ADS. If I bought it, why should they make money from the ads too?

Now, they have those Metro newspapers in many cities...they are FREE! I love them when I find one on the subway. I don't have to BUY one with money! They are FREE - and their news is just as good (ie. fake) as anyone else's news! But how and WHY would they just work for free and give it away for free? Don't they need to buy medicine for their kids too? Well, they also have advertisements in them (which sometimes informs people about products / services they might be interested in - products that your next door neighbor is selling because she needs to buy medicine for her kids too).

Yes, some of the ads are like those little mosquitos...they are annoying.

But I am able to just ignore them (mosquitos I will swat, however Smiley Happy.

I have learned that while there are things in this world I don't like, other people might like tose things. I have learned to ignore the things in life I don't like (as long as they are not endagering my physical, mental, social well-being). It gets easier once you accept it. 

I love offering FREE quality content on my website - it makes me feel good to knowI am helping students in places like AFRICA, INDIA, SOUTH AMERICA, SOUTHEAST ASIA, etc. because many young students in those places cannot AFFORD (essential) English lessons. So, I like to KEEP my site FREE. 

However, sometimes, I need medicine. With all these ad-blockers, I can no longer afford to keep my site FREE. 

Now, I will have to "cater" to those people who can afford to pay me a MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP (because I may need medicine in the future). 

This means, people in "richer" continents like North America and Europe will soon HAVE TO PAY me (with money) to access the BEST CONTENT / MATERIAL I HAVE TO OFFER (because, well, they are paying for it).

I can no longer provide ALL of my material for FREE - thus, MOST people in AFRICA, INDIA, SOUTH AMERICA, SOUTHEAST ASIA will be unable to access my BEST MATERIAL - the poor gets the shaft again! - because their respective currencies are not valued high enough to help pay for the medicine I will need when I start crapping my pants (in about 30 years - the True Lord willing).


...because ads are annoying. 

Note: I have met some students from some of these "poor" countries on youtube, etc. - and I will be offereing selected pupils FREE access to my monthly membership. 

Message 2 of 8

No such app exists but they are working on it. 

Boba Fet - Creating and managing websites is not free. Hi, Quality writers should be protected and paid for their work. This is why Weebly needs an anti-block app. You have alluded to writers that work for $0.20/500 words..... That does not exits and if it did you would get the same word written 500 times. 

It is important to remember that the ads you hate are what keep the internet free and open. Otherwise; rather than an ad-block warning, you will begin to get a pay-wall warning. Meaning you will not be allowed to proceed on sites without paying. Either way, you will pay for the content you seek. It's your choice how you pay and who you pay. 

Message 2 of 8

Blog posts and articles are free of charge because we're monetizing this content by showing ads. From an economical perspective, a user with an ad blocker is like a scavenger: they eat away bandwidth and resources without any respect for those who've spend time and money writing the content.

Help us Weebly or I am off to duda

Message 2 of 8

Yes! I hear that one, my friend!

Weebly could have used an anti adblock a long time ago.

I am researchig and considering using WordPress from now on. Do you know anything about its userfriendliness?


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Message 7 of 8

It's ok, but I'd go with Duda (best of both worlds)
Message 7 of 8