
How to increase mobile speed?

On my SEO scan the biggest thing I'm getting flagged in is the mobile speed. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Message 1 of 7

I'll be honest. I would trust your own experience with it more than any SEO test, false positives and incorrect information tend to be normal (Even with speedtests from bigger companies like Googles own tests .. heck... google even shows its own website as being "Avarage" and thats literaly only a google logo and a searchbar). Try it a few times on your own devices, maybe ask someone else to make sure.

Quite sure ive also said this in another post, but Google showed my website as being slow on mobile.. apparently loading for 5-11 seconds on 4g according to them.

I have tested it out local, on vacation and had some others test it in different countries and even with 3g it was usable in a second or 2 in the worst case (slower 3g without cached data) ... so since then I doubt any website claiming slowness unless proven Smiley Tongue

As long as you don't have special scripts, video's/animations or widgets that constantly run, you should be more than fine.

You can do some small things like check what the SEO tests specifically say what is slowing down your site, maybe something can give a hint.

Also picking/changing to the correct file formats can help a bit to... using raw PNG's or JPG's on your site (either as background or in general) can become a strain when using a lot of them depending on their sizes. Hereby you can:

1. Resize the picture to the correct size BEFORE uploading it to Weebly as Weebly will always load the full picture even if you resize it afterwards

2. Change it to a small optimised format. For pictures for example i can recommend changing them to .webp files before uploading them ... its soo much smaller, close to 0 quality difference and multiple browsers have coding in place that allow for these type of pictures load faster.

Message 2 of 7

Hello @wanderlusteduc 
I can improve Weebly loading speed, for desktop and mobile.

Check out my Weebly page speed: 

Message 3 of 7

Any pointers on how do speed things up?
Message 3 of 7

Any pointers zigboom? 

@Zigboom wrote:

Hello @wanderlusteduc 
I can improve Weebly loading speed, for desktop and mobile.

Check out my Weebly page speed: 

Message 3 of 7

Hey folks,

a big THANKYOU to ZigBoom....I have been spending weeks....let's be truthful, years, oming to grips with the everchanging SEO.  I read just enough on Moz, Neil Patel, Semrush, Screamingfrog, Sobility etc to get me into trouble.........and not much further on my site speed, which we all know is paramount for keeping Google happy.

So thanks to this forum I made contact with ZigBoom and he worked some SEO magic voila! image

speed is now 97  up from 37....so it is possible . I have also been slowly fixing my broken links, image alt tags, content length, picture sizes etc....... SEO is a moving target, but sometimes one needs to recognise that one needs Professional help, so thankyou again to ZigBoom for revving up my site and giving me some tips on how to imrpove going forward :smileyvery-happy Smiley Very Happy

Message 3 of 7

Thank you @lauterbrunnen for your comment ! 🙏
It was a pleasure optimizing your Weebly website speed! 

Best regards,

Message 3 of 7