
Site stats

Weebly changed its stats to mirror googles, does that mean the previous stats weebly used for x amount of years has been a lie? I also heard the new stats dont register private browsing and VPN, not good.

Message 1 of 67


Be glad to but in reality my previous posts speak for themselves.  How many tests is it going to take before Weebly addresses a potential problem?

Message 66 of 67

Let me add some fuel to the fire. I have been using the website sbtopics.com which is a daily onlone newspaper for the past 10 years and I can say with certainty that the weebly stats are not even close to what they have been in the past. My stats for Sunday September 8, 2019 were 86 users and 136 pageviews according to weebly but Google Analytics shows 205 visitors and 694 pageviews. In the past GA was always lower than Weebly, now that is reversed. If weebly wants to track stats similar to GA, then they need to seriously retool the process. They are not even close.

Message 66 of 67

Still zero hits/visitors/pageviews for cityrooster.com.

Fix this or explain the problem.

Message 66 of 67

How old is your custom theme? It's possibly that something needed for tracking is missing from it. You'd have to switch to a newer theme and leave the site on that for a few days to confirm, though.

Message 66 of 67

My theme?  What the heck does my theme have to do with it?

The theme has been in place since the site was first put up, before Weebly knowingly changed something.  Again, WEEBLY MADE A CHANGE.  However, besides your explanation about human visitors being counted more accurately, I see nothing that would cause the problems I am experiencing.

With all due respect, Adam, you are literally grasping at straws.  Simply say you have no real answer, and are guessing at this point.  I am not alone in this, although my situation may be one of a more extreme case.  Whatever the case, I am asking for:

- Complete disclosure on what happened to the stats algorithm.

- Exactly WHAT changes were made, and WHEN they went into effect.

- Proof that Weebly users were notified of such changes.

If you cannot be as transparent as this, then I have to consider taking ALL my web projects elsewhere.  Would I take a hit?  Yes.  Would it be inconvenient?  Yes.  But I refuse to believe that the powers at be at Weebly think we as end users are really that stupid, will roll over, and accept this as normal.

Message 66 of 67

The reason I mention your custom theme is because once a theme is customized, we no longer roll any theme updates into it. If, for example, we update something included with the theme to support a different change, that update will not be ported to your theme because we don't know if will break your custom changes or not. This will become more likely the older a theme is.

When troubleshooting an issue you can never know 100% if a suggestion is the actual cause until you do some testing to see. Changing to a standard theme for a few days is a lower impact test since you can just switch back to your custom theme if it doesn't help. 

Message 66 of 67

As I explained, the OLDER theme was working prior to the WEEBLY CHANGE.  If Theme customizations are going to break internal statistics, I shudder to think of what code is actually in your newer themes to support them.  Weebly aka Big Brother.

The bug was reported to me and observed on August 30.  So something broke on/around that date.  You still haven't provided any real explanation to me, and you're having me try something that - low impact or not - will be noticable on the live site.

You say you roll out changes to themes.  WHAT CHANGES???  WHERE ARE THEY DOCUMENTED????   And where does it say that theme customizations are then excluded from Weebly platform updates and may break statistics?  I would accept this if Weebly allowed the inclusion of more elaborate custom javascript code, but your platform is limited, and frankly other than the stats BUG is perfect for the person / client we are speaking of.

As it stands I'm not going to break the site further just to fix something Weebly did.

Message 66 of 67

@RuggieroAV  (also  @Adam @Bernadette @Sundownalpacas )

I know u r hacked off just now but have u thought that its a possiblity that it is YOUR site/theme?? Causing the issue   as Adam suggested??

If it was a general bug EVERYONES site would be flat lining...  my stats are showing the same as they were before the change the other week

Theres so many peeps on here bitching about their site being slow or not loading     and then   u find out that they r still using IE11  they dt even know how to clear cookies  or trying to log in with the wrong email account  and so it goes on...

I have thoroughly editted my theme.   If it goes wrong  i revert back to the original  theme  and re add my customizations  1 by 1  till i find out the problem.. i dt expect help from Weebly.  I know the rules.

So if Adam suggests an idea   u best try it at least   as i am sure   the Weebly admin guys and girls know more about Weebly than u or i

Message 66 of 67

The point is that if my theme was causing a visual issue with my client's site I would change it pronto.  However, Weebly really did sneak the stats change in on us, and the fact that your stats have NOT changed @whitemonkey , I daresay is the exception rather than the rule.

Is it too much to expect that Weeby be forthcoming on something this impactful?  I am still waiting on their response as to 1: when this was officially rolled out, and 2: what impact it may have on current sites.  Why did we have to come this far to discover that it might be my theme?  And what would be missing from it if I change it and the stats return?  I did not code anything special.  Actually the only think my client did was change the font sizes, and I added code to prevent right-click (which was FINE prior to August 30). I can provide you the code if you wish, to see if that may have broken anything new.

Message 66 of 67

@RuggieroAV( also  @Adam @Bernadette  @romi14 @Sundownalpacas )

But if u switch themes u can at least isolate that 'possibility'

Thats what u do when u r trouble shooting

And   no one else is saying they r flat lining.   So theres a chance that the problem  is something ur end...(what ever that is   and the idea here  is that u get a solution),    cos id be flat lining  and so will all other weebly users..   

Message 66 of 67

@whitemonkey @Adam before I attempt the switch can someone answer my questions?  And what theme do you suggest I use?  

Message 66 of 67

PS: Here's another zero page views thread. @Adam can you chime in and let us know if that user's issue was resolved?

Message 66 of 67

Hi @RuggieroAV Adam is out, but I'm checking in with the team about the bug he is referring to. Also, looks like I missed quite a bit from this thread, so I need to catch up on your recent replies. 

Message 66 of 67

Still checking in on this. It looks like the engineers are still saying that everything is registering as expected. @Sundownalpacas what's interesting about your account is that I see stats have dropped since the 8th BUT I now see stats for the last week of August. I believe I said in a comment couple of weeks ago that I noticed the stats had dropped off around this date. I wonder if this means they update after a week? Will continue to monitor to see if anything changes on your dashboard view..

Message 66 of 67

My site is still as good as flatlined too. I don't have an https site though as I don't handle any transactions through it (people contact me through the contact form to my email) and haven't seen a great need in upgrading to one that does have the ssl security. I'm sadly not made of money, and this site is for my hobby business...

My site is http://www.izasfaceups.com

My views are as good as gone at being recorded. Any updates yet? Is my theme to blame? I'd rather not have to re-add all my customizations (images/text).


I enabled SSL today, as I found that my plan now allows for it. In the past I would have had to upgrade to buisness for that.

Message 66 of 67

I was going to mention that you can enable SSL for free, but it looks like you've already done that @IzaS. When I check the stats for your site I see a fairly steady amount for the last 30 days, with a few spikes here and there. Are you seeing something different?

Message 66 of 67

@Bernadette FYI  I just checked the weebly daily stats for 8-30, the day that you placed orders on my site. It still shows 0.  Today's stats show 0 again for the last 7 days.  Yesterday it showed a few? 


Message 66 of 67

That could happen if the browser which @Bernadette used to visit your site is using any kind of adblocker (which may even be something our IT team installs, although I'm just guessing). I did check with our engineers about it and they didn't anything for that day that didn't make sense.

Message 66 of 67

Hmmm would be interesting to know if she has an ad blocker. Also @whitemonkey was on my site the same day as he has been helping me with SEO. I wonder if he uses an ad blocker?

Just an FYI my stats are at 0 again.

Message 66 of 67

Ad blocker??? No idea . 


 Where do i look to see if ive got an ad blocker  on android  google chrome

I hate ads  and pop ups    and a long list of other things    hehe

Message 66 of 67

No ad blocker and i always accept cookies

@Adam @Sundownalpacas 

Message 66 of 67