
New Features & Apps from June!

Hi, friends!

I know we've mentioned a few new features from June on the Community already, but I just want to take a moment to highlight everything new and shiny in Weebly!

Feature Updates

  • Image Filename in URL - When you upload an image to your site the URL will now match the image filename. So your image URLs will look like www.yoursite.com/yourfile.jpg. This is addition is great for SEO (you can now put keywords in your image filename) as well as linking and sharing your image URLs. This feature originated from a request in the Weebly Community!
  • Email Navigation Element - This element allows you to create a navigation bar in emails that links to pages on your website. Lets you mimic your site navigation in emails and helps users find relevant content quickly. Available with Weebly Promote.
  • Email Insights - New default dashboard in Weebly Promote that displays a weekly summary of email marketing efforts, including emails sent, commerce sales, site visits, new contacts and average open rate.  
  • Hi-res Favicons - You can now add hi-res favicons to your site.
  • iOS 4.9 and 4.10 - Embed code element, editor status indicator, bug fixes.

New Apps

  • Sectionizer - Create beautiful new content areas from your existing site template for modified site designs - $7.99
  • 10to8 - Take appointment bookings straight from your website and integrate directly with your calendar or inbox - $0 to $150/month
  • Yondo Webinars - Offer live online webinars and group classes from your website - Free Trial
  • Bablic Translation - Translate your site in minutes and make your content multilingual - Free Trial
  • Quiz/SurveyBuilder - Create interactive multimedia quizzes and surveys - Free Trial
  • Text Alerts - Receive text alerts when your store receives new orders - Free
  • Traffic Booster - Drive targeted traffic to your site with Google Adwords and Bing Ads campaigns - $29.99
  • Social Boost - Run viral offers, giveaways, lotteries, contests and more through social media campaigns - $0 to $59/month
  • Hide if Mobile - Hide content from mobile devices - $1.99
  • Hide - Hide elements at different window sizes - Free
  • Easy Magazine - Curated content recommendations for your visitors - $0 to $7/month
  • Traffic Blocker - Block visitors by email or IP address - $0 to $3/month
  • Content Color Box - Colored background box for content on your site - Free
  • Call To Action - Create stunning CTA buttons to increase conversions - $5​
  • Speech Bubbles - Add explanatory speech bubbles to photos - $0 to $1.99/month
  • Stickers - Add emojis and gifs to your website - $0 to $2.99/month
  • Icon - Use over 600 Font Awesome icons on your site with auto scaling and color options - Free
  • Print Button - Allow customers to order canvas, framed or poster prints of your photos - $0 to $2.99/month

Hurray! So many new apps, and just great things happening in general. 

Do you have ideas for Weebly? We'd love to hear them!

Thanks, and enjoy your day!


Weebly Community Manager

Message 1 of 11

Colored background box is the best! Really nice one! 

Message 2 of 11


Hi Erin,

Great features and I am very excited about it.

Question, when file name feature will take effect? I was uploading bunch of product pictures to my store lately. By the way, will it apply to product pictures too? And where to see the URL for product picture? I don't seem to find it.

Thank you!

Message 3 of 11

The image filename change was already rolled out, although it's not going to change anything you had uploaded in the past.  Have you made any new products and uploaded images to it, @JustImagine?

Message 4 of 11

@Adam, yes, I uploaded new product images today.

When I pont mouse to the main image of the product, no URL shows nowhere so I can't tell if it picks the file name.

When I point mouse to the product element images at the bottom of the page (you might also like), the URL shows some random numbers, not my file names.

So I guess my question is,  if I change my file names to the SEO optimized, will it make any difference (for product images)?

Thank you Adam.image

Message 5 of 11


Adam, I just uploaded a new image to my portfolio page (not store) and the URL on the bottom of the page shows:


Numbers in bold and "orig" in the end is not my file name. So it's not like Erin said in her first post:

your image URL's will look like "www.yoursitename.com/yourfile.jpg"

When Google evaluates file names and shows it in Google images, does it show only certain amount of characters?

Does it read only certain amount of characters? All these numbers before the file name... I thought they would be gone.

Message 6 of 11

@Erin  @Adam

Can you reply please? Will changes in image file URLs be implicated to the product images? If yes, I will go and change my file names. If not, I won't spend my time on it.

I hope it will, though. Because with ecommerce most images ARE product images and this what needs a better chance with SEO.

Hope to hear from you Adam or Erin.

Message 7 of 11

I'll doublecheck for you @JustImagine and reply again. I would think that they will, but I don't want you to waste time if not. Hang tight!

Message 8 of 11

On further inspection file names are not retained for products right now, @JustImagine, so I wouldn't take the time to re-upload any images right now for those.

Message 9 of 11

@Adam, thank you for your reply.

As much as I was excited, I am disapopinted now, to be honest. 

I hope that the changes will be made to the product images too.

If we think about it:

 - most sites who use ecommerce are about selling products and getting images "out there". These sites don't just post pictures to gallery for their own amusement, they post products.

- most sites who use ecommerce are paying for business plan, right? It means that most paying customers are at disadvantage now, comparing to free sites who just posting pictures of cats (no offence to free sites and cats! I love cats and free sites).

Is there a hope?

Message 10 of 11

I don't know personally whether we'll be making the same changes for product images, but I agree with you that it makes sense for those to retain their name as well.

Message 11 of 11