
Weebly discontinued support to the Store Front Page ! And failed to alert Customers !!

For the past few months, I was working on my E-Commerce website (unpublished). But during that time, I learnt on two occasions, that Weebly quietly decided to "stop supporting" some themes and pages, but failed to let the Weebly Customers know ahead of time that they would be discontinuing support, and advising us to transition to new pages (and Themes) they would support for a few months ! 

Case in point:

(1) Just today (in fact 20 mins ago), I leant that Weebly no longer supports the "Store Front " Page I had been using for several months, building it up with various categories of products, and images etc !  I tried to remove a PernaLink from the Store Front Page that I put in two weeks ago, but today I could not remove it, no matter how many times I tried to "delete-save"  the Store Front Page.  When I contacted a Weebly Representative, she talked to her Tech Team, and came back and told me that the Store Front Page I was using for the past several months was no longer supported by Weebly ! And, I have to start a new Standar Page, and transfer the Content.  Are they kidding me ?   It seems, it never occured to Weebly to alert its Customers by E-mail (or a Red Flag on the website in progress) that the Store Front Page I was using is going to be phased out soon , and to switch to a new Store Front Page !

(2) A couple of months ago, I discovered, that the "Theme" I had been using for the last several months to build up my Website was no longer supported by Weebly. I had to transfer all the products and Categories and images to a new Theme !  Once again, no one from Weebly bothered to alert me that I was using a soon-to-be-phased out Theme, and they failed in advising me to switch !

It is absolutely ridiculous that Weebly is not doing its due-diligence in alerting Customers a few weeks ahead of time about phasing out Themes and pages !   The Customers are only finding out by calling the Support on the Phone !

Message 1 of 18

I'm sorry to hear, @Alberte. Themes can be tricky since a lot of older themes do still work as intended. We usually suggest updating to a newer theme for the mobile responsiveness and for the additional building features like "sections". I'm not sure if an email was ever sent out to let users know about the new themes since I started here after the new themes were already the standard options. I'll have to do some research on the store update as well. Did you already remove the old store front from your site? 

Message 19 of 18

I still have my old Store Front page. Can you please delete the Perma Link on it for me  ?  I am unable to delete, no matter how many ties I tried.   The Customer Service Lady said she couldn't delete it either because Weebly no longer supported it ! 

Message 19 of 18

If support says they can not delete it, I won't be able to delete it either. I'll take a look, though. 

Message 19 of 18

Is it this part? 

Message 19 of 18

Yes... you did find the Perma Link (antique_audubon) in the Store Front that I (and your Customer Support lady) tried to delete, but couldn't !  If you can delete it for me, that would be fantastic !

Message 19 of 18

Did you unpublish your site, @Alberte?

Message 19 of 18

Yes. My website is unpublished.

Message 19 of 18

Hi, Bernadette,   any luck or suggestions for me in deleting the permalink 'antique_audubon' from the STOREFRONT of my unpublished website ?  I have been using Unite 2 Theme (which is still listed on Weebly theme catalog). So I don't understand why Weebly stopped supporting the STOREFRONT for this theme !  

Trying to create a New Home Page from scratch (the Tech suggestion yesterday) is not really working well since the layout looks very different from my original STOREFRONT page which I like. Thank you. 

Message 19 of 18

Hi @Alberte. I don't see any way to remove the permalink, unfortunately. I tried every way I could think of to edit and save changes, but it just seems to be stuck. Is there a reason why you edited the permalink in the first place, but then changed your mind? Most users prefer to use a permalink on their store. 

The old store front should just be a display of your categories or products. Did the rep show you how to add the same elements to a standard page? I'll take a look at your site again, but from what I can remember, it didn't seem like it would take long to recreate. 

Message 19 of 18

Hi Bernadette,

Thank you so much for trying to help ! Much appreciated.

Originally, I added a Perma Link text for the STOREFRONT page, thnking it would help with SEO. But I quickly realized  that when I publish my website and type in the  Website.Com in the browser address bar,  Google is redireceting it to  Website.Com/C1/antique-audubon to show my Home Page !  I didn't like that !  I want  my Website.Com to directly show the Home Page, instead of being redirected (in fact, when I tested my website with some SEO analysis websites, it shows "redirected" message).

Meanwhile, while I was doing these tests and getting acquainted with website building, Weebly Tech decided to quietly discontinue StoreFront Page support for the Unite 2 Theme (the one I have been using) !

I suppose I can live with it !.

BTW, when I tried to create a new Home Page (like the Support suggested yesterday), the Titles for the each Category are being shown at the bottom of the Category Image, instead of at the bottom within the image it self in white letters (as in my current Home Page, which I like much better). AND, the Category images are showing up somewhat fuzzy on the new Page (whereas, they are sharp and in focus on the current StoreFront Page). 

I hope this explains my frustration at the Weebly Tech's quiet decision to discontinue support to the StoreFront page of Unite 2 Theme.  This is 2nd Theme  (I was using) that Weebly decided to stop supporting, quietly, during the last 3 months or so !   Not good ! 

Message 19 of 18

Hmm... update... this must be way before I started here, but you have a couple of images at the bottom of the homepage that link to a contact us page and a policy page. I don't see that in your editor, though. How did you initially create those pages? 

Message 19 of 18

Okay, I see what you did now. Smiley Happy You made those "pages" categories in your store so that they would show up in the similar fashion as the actual categories? Is this correct? And then you edited the category page with elements without adding actual products to the "category"? 

I think this will be a pretty easy redesign. What are you having trouble with? Which page in the editor is the new homepage you are working on? 

Message 19 of 18

Please see my reply a couple of minutes ago.  I think I will try to live with the existing StoreFront page, even though Weebly Tech stopped supporting it.

Yes, you are correct about the Policy and Contact pages - - I simply created them using category pages, and filled in. Thanks.

Message 19 of 18

Thanks for the explanation. @whitemonkey do you know anything about the redirect comment? Two posts up. 

@Alberte I think you could really easily recreate the store front page and even have it look the exact same way (with the titles on top of image) by taking a screenshot of each category card and then using the image element to add the pic and link to the appropriate category page. Or in the case of the last two, the appropriate standard page. Recreating those pages would also be super easy since you can move or copy each element (text, title, image, etc) to a new page. If you hover over the privacy policy, for example, you will see a blue arrow in the top left corner. When you click on it you will have the option to copy or move to a new page. I believe you have to already have the page created, but I can check a little later this afternoon. 

Message 19 of 18

Hi @Bernadette 

Am sorry I dont have the knowledge about 'categories' or E commerce pages other than what i learnt from Liz.


Perma links  as the term suggests    they r permenant    try to delete them at  your peril

My view on these SEO analysis  tools  is that they throw up all manner of (un important) errors    and leave you thinking WTF..  so u think   hmm   i best up grade and get them to fix my site.    

U up grade your plan and you run the test again  and Viola    all the errors r suddenly fixed..  

I know that Weebly set up automatically re directs when u switch from http to https    amd u have x number of re directs for weeks    then suddenly they disssppear..

Sorry for being   un helpful    Smiley Tongue

Message 19 of 18

Hi @Bernadette and @whitemonkey,
Weebly itself encourages us to add a link address in the PermaLink box for the StoreFront - - Weebly says it improves SEO ! Unfortunately, adding antique_audubon in my StoreFront PermaLink results in my Website.com being "redirected" to website.com/store/c1/antique_audubon to show my website's Home Page ! I want website.com itself to show my Home Page, insteade of being redirected.
Next, to get around this, I tried a few times creating a new Home Page (suggestion from Weebly Support and Bernadette), but the new HomePage is nothing like my existing HomePage - - (1) the new HomePage doesn't show "StoreFront" tab anywhere ! (2) When I drag and drop the "Categories" in the Build section to the new Home Page, the Category labels can be either below, above, side, or show up on hovering ! BUT, the labels don't show up at the bottom of the category image in white letters, as in my existing home page !

Since the Weebly Advanced Tech Group created this problem by deciding to stop support for the StoreFront page of my current Unite 2 Theme, can you convince them to delete the antique_audubon in the PermaLink of the StoreFront for my existing Home page ? I get the feeling that Weebly is phasing out Unite 2 theme (even though it is still listed in the menu of themes), and this is why they stopped "support" to the StoreFront page. Thank you.

Message 19 of 18

Hi @Alberte I posted a lot of info in my previous replies, but did you see my suggested work around for creating the home page so that it looks similar to your current home page? I think you can screenshot the category images from within the editor, but it might be easier to do so from the live site. In fact, you are going to need the live site to grab the category page urls, regardless. If you want to wait to do this till the very end, you can, but in the meantime I would focus on recreating the pages that are not true categories. I believe the policy and contact us page, but there may be more. Did you understand my instructions for moving the content onto a new page?

Message 19 of 18