
Separate out Pick Up and Delivery

Hi! It seems like this is being talked about but I was encouraged to write a post here by Steve a customer care agent with Weebly.

As a (now) 1 person business who's trying to switch from b2b to b2c, this website was a welcome feature! I was really hoping to utilize both pick-up and delivery however the features are lumped together on the same date. This is problematic since a customer who chooses to pick up and one who chooses delivery will expect to have their items on the same day within the same timeframe. This may be no issue to those with at least 2 people working but since I am only 1 person, I can't use both features. Ideally, I wanted to just do delivery; take out any risk of someone coming to me, and I would just go to them and leave their items on the doorstep. Again, I was blocked from only having delivery. To turn on the delivery feature you MUST offer to pick up. So, I am offering pick up only to folks and letting them know if this is truly a hardship for them to reach out to me via email or text and I'll work something out. Obviously, this feature is clunky and could be made more customizable. Thanks!

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Hi @Katboocha Thanks for reaching out. This is actually being worked on at the moment. I believe the team hopes to have it available within the next coming week or two. I can try to get an update for you, though. Smiley Happy 

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