
Lost Page


starting to use the new button SECTION on my homepage I lost the

total content of the page. www.sparta-ede.nl

Want it to be reinstalled if possible

Another problem: All my messages sent via Help Page have NOT

been answered by Weebly

I think they do not arrive at the right place. So..... I cannot make contact

at all.

What to do??

Paul de Groot

Message 1 of 3
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hey there! You should have an email from our team waiting for you. To sum things up here, they'll be able to restore elements of the page, but there would be over a thousand restored if that option was selected, which may be more work to sort through than you'd like, so they'd want to be sure that's still something you want to pursue. Are you able to respond to the email there?

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Message 2 of 3

Best Answer

Hey there! You should have an email from our team waiting for you. To sum things up here, they'll be able to restore elements of the page, but there would be over a thousand restored if that option was selected, which may be more work to sort through than you'd like, so they'd want to be sure that's still something you want to pursue. Are you able to respond to the email there?

Message 2 of 3


thanks for your message, this I received in good shape!

Furthermore I inform you that I did set up an entire new

home page for my site  www.sparta-ede.nl because it lasted

too long getting help for my problem.

So no need to replace the "old" page.

Good thing... I know now very well the effects of the SECTION

button and did use it on my new page.

Only thing left is that I wonder wether I can use again the "normal"

message box in the help section..... the future will sort that out  😉

For your information I did NOT get any response on my (3) messages

to the help section. Two with the mail address paul43870@gmail.com

and one with paulbinnenhof@kpnmail.nl

Best regards

Paul de Groot

The Netherlands

Message 3 of 3