
Lithium is not very user friendly

Perhaps I do not know how to use all the functions, but coprared to v_bulletine forum sites the forum feels clumsy (apprearancce is pretty though). For example, it does not have top go forward or back button.  The New Post section has limited number of posts.  It should be intelligent enough to display all the posts since a user visited last time.

Message 1 of 4

I feel that same way about a few things. I've moderated a few other Lithium boards, Box/Spotify, and they look really nice, but can be quirky to work with. We're still updating our look before our official launch, and there's always room for changes before the final launch of Community. So let us know what you'd like to see, and hopefully we can get these implemented. Thanks! Smiley Happy
Message 2 of 4


Thanks....I will think abut them.  I have time.  Off hand following are few things:

1. Forward and backward buttons on top and bottom with easy jump to first or last posts.

2. All the new posts since I visited last.  I don't understand the current way to learn what is new.  Also when you get those new posts, a way to go to the last post on that topic.  Rather than going to first post and scrolling down.

3. Name of the users who gave kudos.

Message 3 of 4

Thanks for your feedback. Let me see if I can address a few of your concerns.

1. Some posts do have forward and back to see the next topic, but we can try to make them a bit more consistent and apparent.

2. Yes, this is something we are working to revise, and we should have this fixed soon.

3. If you click on the word "kudos," you should be able to see who gave the kudos, but let me know if this doesn't work for you.

In general, we are trying to make this as user-friendly as possible, and we appreciate any additional feedback you can give us!

Thank you so much!

Message 4 of 4