
Ecommerce site with Blog


We are looking to launch our website soon (by April 30th) is the goal. However, we realized recently that having a blog would be ultra beneficial and profitable for our business as our business targets a niche market. I noticed that our version of Weebly does not support Blogs and this is extremely disheartening.

What do we need to do, that does not include RSS feeds, in order to be able to have both blogging and an online store on our website? We do not want to have to go through the trouble of managing and paying for two sites in order to accomplish our goals. It is time-consuming and it adds to our plate.

Please help! We do not want to have to transfer our domain! We chose Weebly because we believed that it was the best choice of all sites as it had the best features for us...until now that we realize it didn't have blogging capabilities. 

Please let us know soon as we would like to meet our deadline.

Message 1 of 4

This is something we're working on, although I don't know how long it will be until we launch it, @axmx. Hmm... Are you using a custom domain with your website? One thing you could do is create a regular Weebly account under a different email address, choose the option that you just want a website/don't want to sell when signing up, then use a subdomain of your domain as the address, e.g. blog.mysite.com. You could then link between the two sites.

Message 5 of 4

Thank you, kindly, for your response, Adam.

Unfortunately, for the sake of the legitimacy and aesthetic of my brand, I don't think that workaround will work for me as I do not want Weebly Ads on my website. I have a deadline of April 30th to hopefully have this site up and running. If there is no projected time frame as to when Weebly will enable the ability to have blogs on eCommerce accounts, I would much rather transfer my custom domain to another provider.

- What would then be the procedure I would have to take in order to transfer my domain? 

- I also purchased my GSuite through you guys, how would that affect my GSuite? I want to keep GSuite and make sure my payment will go through come renewal time. I couldn't see through where I can set up payment through my google settings. Is it because I set it up through Weebly?

Message 5 of 4

Hi @axmx If you submit a ticket to support, a rep can help move the Gsuite billing directly to Google. As far as the domain goes, you can unlock and request the EPP (authorization) code for transfer by clicking the dropdown in the top right corner of the dashboard, then Domains and the domain name. You would want to first find a new provider and see if there is a domain transfer cost. The other option is to leave the domain here, and simply point or connect the domain to your new provider. It will ultimately depend on the best option provided by the new company. 

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