
Can no longer block Suggested Videos embedded from Youtube.

A year ago it was easy to block suggested videos that appeared at the end of YouTube videos. You only needed to check off a box on Youtube before embedding them on your Weebly site. Youtube (for some reason) has taken out that feature. This is really inconvenient for me...because I embed a lot of children's videos onto my educational Weebly site. Now I have no idea what kind of inappropriate suggested picture links will show up at the end of each video.

Has anyone found a way around this???

Note: I used  ?rel=0&showinfo=0 in my embed code...but this still doesn't block suggested video links (it simply restricts them to the page the video was copied from.) Some Youtube pages may have a mix of children and adult oriented videos...so I'm seeking a way to completely block Suggested Videos. I wish Weebly would incorporate something in the settings that allowed you to block all related Youtube video links embedded on your site 

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The suggested videos will go off of the user's own Youtube viewing history. I would assume that if someone didn't use Youtube it would only show related videos, though... What is the name of your site? 

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