
Weebly App of the Week: Articoolo

Hi, there!

Content is king, right? Well, what about writer's block? It happens to everyone, and thankfully there are options.

One option to consider is Articoolo, which you can find in the Weebly App Center! Articoolo equips you with quick content based on a topic you provide. Just need placeholder content until you think of something great? No worries! Articoolo can draft a paragraph for you in about 30 seconds for free. If you're looking for some unique copy to enhance your site, Articoolo does offer paid writing services as well.

We'll be highlighting the features of Articoolo all week, so make sure to check back for a demo video, interview with Articoolo CEO and Co-Founder @Doron_Tal, and tips on how to write content for the web.

Have questions about the app? Feel free to ask!

Enjoy your day, 


**You can check out the instructional video here

**Read about how Articoolo can help small business owners here.

**Read Doron's six tips for writing website content here.

Message 1 of 6

Looking forward to it!

Message 2 of 6

@Erin:  Me too.  I wonder what tips Doron can give.  He is a lawyer!  This sounds too good to be true though.  Machine Learning and Natural Language processing are the next high tech (bubble?) technology.  I would have liked their website more if it had bit more bio of the team that created the APP - build more confidence. I also would have liked it more if I could do sample re-write of some of the beautifully written web content. The sample articles they have are crappy.

Message 3 of 6

Hey @bobafett!

I've checked out their free content by giving a few keywords, and while it's not always great, what I've found is definitely usable for a placeholder. I'm also glad that they give a warning about plagiarism before you actually add the free content to your site. 

While I haven't used the paid content myself, I've seen several examples that look great. I'm happy to give some examples this week as well so that you can get a feel for what you'd be paying for.



Message 4 of 6

Hi everyone,

Thanks @Erin for your endorsment and thanks @bobafett for your questions and interest. 

We are a group of mathematicians, computer scientists, content writers and marketing experts with one vision - inventing the future of content creation. I am not a lawyer btw, although my major in college was law. I spent most of my career (more than 15 years) in digital marketing, where I realized how significant is the role of content in any marketing activity.

One of Articoolo's co-founders, Dr. Nir Haloani, has his PHD in applied mathematics and together with additional members of our team we developed our algorithms. read more about us here.

It is important to indicate that our tool can't completely replace human writing and it is not aiming at doing so. instead, it provides a good starting point, ideas and inspiration. most site owners find it very difficult to fill their websites with content even though they know everything there is to know about their own businesses. yet, if you are not a proffesional writer you may have difficulties. our tool can help site owners cope with those difficulties. still, users of our app have to go over the content it provides and do some rewriting, personalize it, make sure it contains no mistakes and add their own voice or point of view. for that, users may use the premium services of the app (quick rephrase and enhanced rephrase).

We would love to answer any question, help with difficulties and get feedback.


Message 5 of 6

Very cool! Thanks for letting us know! 

Message 6 of 6