
Why is my Point of Sale not requiring a signature on every transaction?

The title of this post has been edited from the original: POS not accepting signature?


we have used square for years.  today i am missing the signature page .  phone is set to have it but it disppeared .  how can i get it back.

Message 1 of 49
2 Best Answers
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there, @drsuhail. Thanks for taking the time to add your voice here. After investigating multiple reports on this issue, we found some answers that we think can bring some clarity.


Square has recently changed its signature acceptance protocol to align more closely with customers Card Holder Agreement terminology. To be more specific, some card holders have opted into setting their card preferences to "No Signature" when making debit transactions.


If customers do in fact utilize this feature with their card, this will then override your account preferences for accepting signatures - even if you have specifically selected to Accept Signature for All Transactions


In light of this change, we garnered much feedback from our Sellers about how this distinction can be made more clear when accessing the Signature Settings from the Point of Sale App. Our Product Teams are collecting that information and will be adding clarifying verbiage that will most likely be pushed out with a new software update soon. 


So sorry for the confusion here! - I hope this information is helpful and will distill any future other confusion going forward. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions, we are here to help.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 49

Best Answer

Card providers do not require signatures for dip, tap or swipe payments in the US and Canada. We have disabled signature collection in the US for Square Point of Sale accounts that do not collect tips. If you have Collect Signatures enabled, Square will collect signatures only when the card provider asks for it. 


If you prefer to disable signature collection for all card payments, follow the steps outlined here.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 47 of 49

I've moved your post to this thread where we outlined when you will see a signature screen pop up, @molanlabe970


If you have collect signatures enabled, Square will collect signatures only when the card provider asks for it.

I hope this helps - welcome to the Seller Community!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 43 of 49

My transactions are often thousands of dollars at a time, and I need the signature page there for my protection against fraud. Often the card information is being provided remotely, so the signature portion is utilized for me to collect the name of the individual who provided the card information for their boss, etc. If we are opting for the signature ALWAYS, then it should ALWAYS be there. We are a non-tip business, so I can't relate to those who utilize that function. However, because I have always collect signature over $25, that function should remain operational.

Message 44 of 49

Hi! We recently switched back to printing receipts for customers at night as it makes it much easier to settle tabs at our bar, but I'm noticing that Square is not printing a signature field for many cards (it seems to mostly be a debit card thing).


Is there anyway to force a signature field? It's confusing my customers and they keep asking about it.

Message 45 of 49

It's not possible to require a signature on every transaction when using Square Point of Sale, @sammyg.


If your customers' card provider does not require a signature - often a setting the cardholder can change themselves - then we will not ask for it at the end of the checkout flow. If you collect tips, we will request a signature only when the card provider requires it.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 46 of 49

Best Answer

Card providers do not require signatures for dip, tap or swipe payments in the US and Canada. We have disabled signature collection in the US for Square Point of Sale accounts that do not collect tips. If you have Collect Signatures enabled, Square will collect signatures only when the card provider asks for it. 


If you prefer to disable signature collection for all card payments, follow the steps outlined here.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 47 of 49

As a restaurateur the problem with this policy is when you have a guest disputes the purchase... Square asks if we have a "SIGNED" copy of the receipt. We (Business Owner) can't prove they actually agreed to the purchase when there is no signature. 

Message 48 of 49

I need the signature screen because we use it to note who made a payment via phone.  Otherwise, all I get is an email that someone made a payment and have no clue what account to apply the payment to.  This is a major issue when you have someone taking payments and another person applying payments.  

Message 49 of 49