
Square Connect API \ Catalog API \ listCatalog not returning items created by batchUpsertCatalogObjs

Hello Everyone,


So I am a developer working with a few different businesses on Square POS. One of my main clients is a restaurant and we are trying to batchUpsertCatalogObjects from another system to keep the two systems in sync. Well, our batchUpsertCatalogObjects using the API appears to work just fine when we log in to Square and look at items on the dashboard. They are all properly categorized and function for POS. HOWEVER... when we try to pull a list of the items again using the listCatalog API, only the items created on the POS are returned... the ones created by batchUpsertCatalogObjects are missing. 


We've tried setting many different parameters in hopes of finding a required parameter. We've set available electronically and available online to both true and false. This made no difference. We explicitly set the product type to REGULAR or we left it blank... left abbreviations and imgurl blank or filled them in. Set category ids, and they were valid because they were linked in Square dashboard, but they did not appear in listCatalog still. We created valid variants and they appear on the POS with their prices.  But the new objects will not come down from listCatalog... 


Please help.



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After digging a bit more I found the issue... I was receiving a "cursor" back with the results set and I did not requery using the cursor to get the rest of the results. So the issue was resolved by using the cursor.  And it worked perfectly. FYI you get about 330k of catalog results before cursoring. 

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