
QR Codes not working for days - what is happening with Square?

For the past 3 days now (going on 4) my restaurant's QR codes have not functioned properly at our tables.  Customers can add items to the cart but can not get to the checkout screen to process their payment.  My restaurant does not have servers and relies on this functionality.  


See the issue here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Uzd6kphMv9PNNPWQ8


I have contacted Square multiple times, been credited for months of service, and have been assured this issue is being resolved however after three days it still has not been.  This is causing a LOT of issues at my restaurant and the level of customer service has been absolutely appalling.  What is happening over at Square?  Since going public this company seems to have gone downhill drastically.  The phone tree that you have to navigate to speak to a customer service representative is absolutely disgraceful.  Has anyone at Square even called the support line lately and listened to the absurdity that is the phone tree?  It's a maze of number pressing and god forbid you press the wrong number and have to start all over.  Just shameful.


I have no issue with speaking to customer service reps that are in a different country, but when you know full well going into a conversation that the rep isn't going to EVER be able to help you solve an issue, there is a problem.  Something needs to be done over at Square.

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Square Champion

Hello @snowpacktaproom !


Ugh I HATE it when the QR codes louse up. I use them relatively regularly in my store and haven't seen a problem recently at all.


I'm probably going to rehash a little bit of what tech has told you (and yeah, the support is a topic in and of itself...), but the best thing to do is to verify all your settings, especially your fulfillment settings. Make sure everything looks correct here.


Are you are using the open tab functionality on your self serve? Try disabling it for the purpose of testing. I will tell you that the open tabs have been rough for me and I disabled them a few months back.


Also, when you're on the configuration page on your dashboard, you can see a sample QR code. Does the same thing happen when you try that one? If not, there may have been a change in the QR codes that you printed that's causing some of the problems. This is highly doubtful but at this point it's best to try every way to fix it.


It looks like you're on your wifi in the video, but do make sure your customers are as well. I have seen this same issue when the cell signal drops mid-order: I don't think the site can handle having then losing connection with someone's phone. This one happens to me regularly, and each time the cust logs into the wifi the problem goes away.


After that, if you'll post a pict of your QR code we can try testing some other things on our side.


Hope this helps!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
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