
Why is my Point of Sale not requiring a signature on every transaction?

The title of this post has been edited from the original: POS not accepting signature?


we have used square for years.  today i am missing the signature page .  phone is set to have it but it disppeared .  how can i get it back.

Message 1 of 49
2 Best Answers
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there, @drsuhail. Thanks for taking the time to add your voice here. After investigating multiple reports on this issue, we found some answers that we think can bring some clarity.


Square has recently changed its signature acceptance protocol to align more closely with customers Card Holder Agreement terminology. To be more specific, some card holders have opted into setting their card preferences to "No Signature" when making debit transactions.


If customers do in fact utilize this feature with their card, this will then override your account preferences for accepting signatures - even if you have specifically selected to Accept Signature for All Transactions


In light of this change, we garnered much feedback from our Sellers about how this distinction can be made more clear when accessing the Signature Settings from the Point of Sale App. Our Product Teams are collecting that information and will be adding clarifying verbiage that will most likely be pushed out with a new software update soon. 


So sorry for the confusion here! - I hope this information is helpful and will distill any future other confusion going forward. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions, we are here to help.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 49

Best Answer

Card providers do not require signatures for dip, tap or swipe payments in the US and Canada. We have disabled signature collection in the US for Square Point of Sale accounts that do not collect tips. If you have Collect Signatures enabled, Square will collect signatures only when the card provider asks for it. 


If you prefer to disable signature collection for all card payments, follow the steps outlined here.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 47 of 49

Hey @ganddcreations.


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community. 


Just to confirm, please verify that you've followed these steps:


  1. Tap the three horizontal lines in the navigation bar. 
  2. Tap Settings > Signature & Receipt.
  3. Select whether you’d like to Collect Signature for card payments. If so, you have the option to Always Collect or only Collect Signature Over $25.

While it sounds like you already have, would you mind deleting and reinstalling the app (as long as you have no pending Offline Mode payments)? Then please repeat those steps. Let me know if that works. 

Message 2 of 49



For the past two days the signature page has not shown up either swiping or using the chip reader for payment. I have done the methods of deleting the app and reloading, and even shutting down the iPad to reboot.  But it has not worked.  

Message 3 of 49

I am having the same problem described here: after successfully charging a card, it skips the signature and receipt screens even though both are enabled in settings.


I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app to no avail.

Message 4 of 49
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there, @drsuhail. Thanks for taking the time to add your voice here. After investigating multiple reports on this issue, we found some answers that we think can bring some clarity.


Square has recently changed its signature acceptance protocol to align more closely with customers Card Holder Agreement terminology. To be more specific, some card holders have opted into setting their card preferences to "No Signature" when making debit transactions.


If customers do in fact utilize this feature with their card, this will then override your account preferences for accepting signatures - even if you have specifically selected to Accept Signature for All Transactions


In light of this change, we garnered much feedback from our Sellers about how this distinction can be made more clear when accessing the Signature Settings from the Point of Sale App. Our Product Teams are collecting that information and will be adding clarifying verbiage that will most likely be pushed out with a new software update soon. 


So sorry for the confusion here! - I hope this information is helpful and will distill any future other confusion going forward. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions, we are here to help.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 49

my terminal stopper asking for a signature, where do I change that?


Message 6 of 49

@janhoymanstudio I've moved your post to this thread so you can see @Joe's post above. This explanation should provide some clarification about why you are seeing this change to signature acceptance.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 7 of 49

@Joe I'm not sure that's the case, or at least doesn't match my experience.  I tested this with my own card, which does not have the No Signature setting enabled, and I didn't get a signature page.  

Message 8 of 49
Square Community Moderator

@schmulio Do you typically have Require Signature For All Transactions selected in your signature settings? 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 9 of 49

@ashc Yes, I always have that enabled in settings.

Message 10 of 49
Square Community Moderator

@schmulio It may be best to contact our CS team directly to take a closer look.


This could also be a setting your card company has enabled without you even realizing it. 


Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 11 of 49

I have an issue with the new set up do to the fact that I take tips it is rude to put  y tablet in someone’s face like I am expecting a tip. I preferred the old set up with the signature for this reason.  

Message 12 of 49

I TOTALLY agree it is RUDE and bad business.

Square doesn't seem to understand this issue?

It has caused a big decrease in my income because of it.

How are you handling the "TIP" screen with your clients now?

I've just been NOT receiving them since the change.


Message 13 of 49

It's awful and has hurt income. I'm **bleep**ed they aren't responding rapidly. In the mean time, I leave the card in the reader, grab my broom and walk away.  Tell them to verify the amount and please take your card. Still crude but it's something. 

Message 14 of 49

In the past I have always had customer sign for transactions. I have my settings set for always but many cards are skipping the signature screen. Why is this happening?

Message 15 of 49

Same happening with me! I have my Square For Retail set for ALWAYS requiring signature. It started only prompting some customers/ transactions to sign and a whole lot not to sign. I checked my settings and they are still at Aways requiring signature. A regular customer who was here 2 days ago just called me to tell me that her transaction total was $5.10, however when she was checking her bank transactions, there is a charge for $10 instead from my shop. I am freaking out now. Does this mean my account has been hacked. It is SO hard to find how to contact someone other than a robot. I finally found a phone number to call by Googling square phone number but customer service is only on weekdays. Is this possible? Have you had any other issues like this besides the signature screen not appearing? This is the busiest time of the year. I hate to think there's gonna be more issues affecting customers. How do we find out? 


Message 16 of 49

I am having the same problem.  I prefer having the client sign because it makes them look at the tip options.  Just jumping to the tip screen without the requiring any actual interaction is awkward.  Please fix this.  Even though the card companies do not require the signature I want them to have to do it.  I have my settings set for ALWAYS.  

Message 17 of 49

@Peculiar @lucyandthegreen @Jeff869565 - Thanks for sharing your voice here in the Community. Apologies if this update caught you by surprise.


A little context : 


Due to improved security in chip cards, card issuers are no longer requiring a signature when you process a chip payment  (including debit). This means a signature screen will no longer be presented even when your settings are set to Always Collect Signatures. I've merged you folks  to this thread to see @Joe's post for more deets.


As for the extra charge your customer is seeing @lucyandthegreen, I'd recommend your customer contact their bank directly to learn about this charge if you're not seeing it in Transactions




Community Moderator, Square
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Message 18 of 49

Well it's awful when it's a small one on one intimate transaction with the client standing next to you. There's needs to be a solution. Even if it's a verify transaction button they have to hit. 

Message 19 of 49

Completely agree. Showing a customer a tip screen is not only tacky, it is embarrassing and and an unacceptable way to conduct business. I simply tap "No Tip" and move on. I cannot expect my employees to do so, however.


One solution would be to combine an email receipt option (would you like a receipt emailed to you?) with the tip screen. At least this would give you an additional reason to present the screen other than simply asking for a tip.

Message 20 of 49
Square Community Moderator

We here you, @Jeff869565. These newly implemented changes in regard to signature and transaction completion are still fluid. Your feedback goes a long way in helping us build a more accessible product for everyone.


Thanks for your patience here!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 21 of 49
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