
Item Library not showing items

I have all my items entered in the Item Library and the items are assigned to specific categories and one location.  When i log into my sqare account on the computer i dont see any of my items listed.  tried searching still nothing.  Look under the categories tab and it shows the items assigned to the categories.  If i pull it up on the tablet i have no issues.  How do i fix this problem?

Message 1 of 41
1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

All items created on your account should appear both in your Square Dashboard as well as the Point of Sale app. 


One thing to make sure of is that you're signing in using the same account information.

It's possible that you created another account by mistake and signed into it by accident. 

Have you double checked the email address you used to log in to the app is the same as the one you're using to log in to the Dashboard?


If that doesn't get you where you need to be - maybe you need help with item visibility on your website?


 This post was updated by a moderator in October 2021 to include updated information.

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Message 2 of 41

Hey @Jbbb!


Can I ask what browser you're using? How many Items do you have? 


Let me know! 👩🏼‍💻

Message 22 of 41

Items are showing up under old purchase orders or under vendor not appearing in item library. I signed out and back in and have searched specific names and skus that I know are in there but they are not appearing.

Message 23 of 41

@whyhello Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Seller Community!! Are you able to search these items in your item library? I would check to make sure they are enabled for all locations. Also, is it possible you would have deleted some of these items?

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 24 of 41

I’m having a similar issue. I entered the items on one ipad, saw them on my phone, but they didn’t sync to the other iPad which use in the square register.  I’m concerned I’d have the same priboem

with the all in one register so I haven’t sprung for it yet. 

Message 25 of 41

This morning I logged into my Square account to update items in my library and my library does not compile.  All I see is a page with the option to create or import items with suggestions.   If I search for individual known items in my library, they are discovered through the search.  Please advise how to resolve this so that I am able to see all the items in my library.

Message 26 of 41

I am having the same issue. Worked fine yesterday, today my item library is empty. Did Square have an update last night?


Message 27 of 41

I have seemingly been able to solve the problem of designated logos (via Online Checkout>Edit Details>Edit Image) by navigating to Online>Items>Site Items and then simply uploading my desired item logo THERE (which now successfully shows up on laptop and mobile). I hope that works for you.

Message 28 of 41

I am having horrible results with the search function in the online item search bar. This has not happened before and now it's constant. I put in the name of the item and it literally doesn't show up or it shows hundreds of other items. What is going on???

Message 29 of 41
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for reaching out, @hopetank, and sorry to hear you are having trouble with your site. 


Can you please post a link to the site? We can try to reindex the content on the backend which may help with the search results. 

Message 30 of 41

Why the difference between "Item Library" and "Online Site Items"? Weekly I have been updating (removing or deleting) items going through  >online>site items and it's not updating the "Item Library"! Now for over a year worth the items are in "Item Libray" and syncing to Facebook/ Instagram Commerce that I don't even carry anymore. If you go online the item is not available for purchase, but square is syncing the item library to commerce manager (facebook). 


Message 31 of 41
Square Community Moderator

Hi there @CAdesignco - Thank you for reaching out to us here on the Seller Community. Apologies for the confusion regarding these different types of Items. I'm happy to provide some additional information to help clear things up for you!

Items in your Square Item Library are available on your Square Dashboard and Square Point of Sale. Online or "Site Items" are items that are available for purchase on your Square Online Store. For some Square Sellers, all of their items that are available in-person are also available Online. 

If this is the case, you can utilize the Square Sync feature so you can import these items to your Online Store without having to create them entirely from scratch if you're just getting started with your Online Store. Once Square Sync is enabled, the syncing of your items' details will continue automatically in the background (with some exceptions). To learn more about what does and doesn't sync between your Square account and Square Online Store, please see this article from our Support Center for details. If you'd like to disable this feature, you can do so from your Square Online Store Dashboard under Items, then Item Sync.

If you're needing some assistance with managing your items, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Support Team here so they can take a look at your account and setup with you.

I hope this information has been helpful but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 32 of 41

I was having the same trouble today - I created my new items in the Square Item Library and then went to further set them up for my website in the Site Item list but they weren't there.  I went back to the item in the Square Item Library and then clicked from within that item to Edit in Square Online.  That opened up the item, but when I made any changes, I received an error.

Finally, I saw an option from within the Square Online item list to "Add Item From Library".  When I click there, I can see the new items I set up, edit, and save them with no error.  Hopefully this helps someone else from going on a wild goose chase like I did this morning!

Message 33 of 41

You are amazing! I wish I had read your comment 3 days ago instead of wasting my time trying to explain my missing items to square support and getting nowhere.

Message 34 of 41

I've been experiencing this for the first time today. I created an item in the online dashboard (yes, correctly, and yes logged-in to the correct account), and as soon after I save them, then do not appear in the items library. I do see them in the POS app on my phone, I also see them in the web items library (Site Items), but not in the normal inline items dashboard. HOWEVER, I did some testing an here's what I found:

1. I tried going into Archived Items (using the Archived filter on the items page) and deleting a couple old archived products. This had no impact on the newly created items showing up.

2. I then went back to the Active Items and "Archived" 1 item. Guess what? -- 1 of the newly created items appeared, but not all 3. I then went back and found 2 more Active Items I could afford to Archive for the sake of this test, and then the remaining 2 Items appeared in the Items list on the Online Dashboard as they should be. Problem solved, for now but the bug exists.


It's definitely an Active Item limit bug or there's actually an Active Item limit with no warning (also would be a bug). My experience sounds consistent with what others have experienced, and I am 100% positive this is not user error, so whoever works for Square that's reading this, please report the bug with details as stated above and please do not assume we are logging-in incorrectly. Bugs exist, and we come across them (often at the worst times), and it's annoying to have the first assumption be that we are doing something wrong.

Message 35 of 41

Hi @LAWCOFFEE, thanks for flagging this. 


We have two different item libraries. 


Item Library - for physical items - this is where you'll find the items that you see in your Point of Sale app


Square Online Item Overview - for items being sold via a Square Online website. 


Can you let me know if the items that you created are appearing in either of these libraries? 

Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Message 36 of 41

We have been digging for a thread to mirror our problem and this might be the comment @LAWCOFFEE . We are just setting up an online store link, and have created new products for the online store (12 packs of individual items - but essentially - new products, being created in the online items section.) Over the last week, our staff will tell us "cheese danish is missing from the POS" or "grilled cheese bread is no longer in the POS!" - random products that aren't even affiliated with the online store at all. And sure enough its gone from POS, gone from web login of dashboard, gone from phone POS app. We can immediately re-create the new item on the spot (from web, or phone POS) and its there - but the old one is GONE. We can see the old product referenced in previous days sales reports, but it is gone-gone from items library. We will try to archive some items out of items library and see if the gone items re-appear. We have 4-6 products in the last week (April 2024) that have disappeared from our POS. And the only thing we have been doing, is adding new (unaffiliated) products through our online site. 

Message 37 of 41

I thought I clarified that but I guess it could be misunderstood. When I said “online dashboard” above, I’m referring to the dashboard in the browser in general vs the POS register or mobile app—the normal/standard item library, NOT the e-commerce items which allow people to order online (which I refer to later as “site items” since this is how it’s labeled in the navigation in the browser). 

As I said above, the products were showing up in the Site Items (e-commerce) library + on the POS/mobile phone App Library, but NOT in the regular Item Library in the browser. Not sure how else to say this, but let me know if you need any more clarification.

Message 38 of 41
Square Community Moderator

Hey @LAWCOFFEE stepping in for @Breffni. I understand your frustration, and I know when I have to reach out to support, and they make assumptions it is annoying. I apologize if our team has made you feel that way!


However, we do need to have a clear understanding of what is happening and gather as many details as possible, so we can escalate this.  Can you confirm some more information:


1) You added the items on this dashboard and after saving it doesn't show there but on the app and under archived items, right?

2) Can you provide some items this is happening with?

3)Can you also confirm your browser version

Square Community Moderator
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Message 39 of 41
Square Community Moderator

Hey @SOCOBREADCO can you also provide the item names and browser version you are using? Thank you! 

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Message 40 of 41

Browser version for me is Chrome, Version 124.0.6367.62. But to be honest, we have 3 phones connected to the POS. And 3 Square terminals in store, the items disappeared from everything (web login, POS iPhone app, instore terminals.) 


Worth noting - we did delete and/or archive 20+ old items yesterday, but our disappearing items have not returned. 


Items that have disappeared (that we have since recreated) spelled exactly this way:

Cheese Danish (disappeared on Thu 5/2)

Take & Bake Morning Buns ($27)

Croissant - Traditional Butter $4

Grilled cheese bread (disappeared on Wednesday 5/1)


So for example, if I go back into reports for prior to April 2024 - even just in March - I can search for and see sales for "Croissant - Traditional Butter." However, the actual item is GONE from the items library (and therefore the terminal, app, etc.) No staff member deleted them. 

Message 41 of 41