
Google Search and Indexing

Hi everyone,


I've been running a very small side business on several platforms, including a Square website. 


I am far from any expert when it comes to websites, but also like to think I am not that hopeless either.


Just recently, thought I'd check in on the indexing of my site on Google Search Console and noticing I have 195 pages which are excluded and not indexed. This has gone up from last I checked a few months ago. This is a bit worrying, especially since these pages are for items. 


I also have a few errors regarding no index and states:  'noindex' detected in 'robots' meta tag. As far as I am aware, all my pages under SEO have been ticked for visibility to search engines (although no setting for some pages such as product pages). No idea how to fix/approach this issue.


All a concern, especially since my site did have some rank previously, now I cannot even find it for those same keywords. 


What is often the best approach to ranking in Google and keeping that rank? I've used the built-in SEO function, done some research...but feel as if I need to invest some large sums of money to compete with the big players. 



Site: https://www.fantasypaints.com.au/


Thanks in advance for assistance. 

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HI, thank you for the link to your store.  Google SEO is confusing for many people.   Your site is excellent with many great touches and features.  Please accept additional information below to continue and assist with presentation.


You can search Google Images Best Practice for all requirements.

Many of your items have color backgrounds.  Google prefers all white background. (see screenshot below)

Within the Item Description add the UPC number, Model number etc.

Fantasy Paints is a very large genre and you would need to add your own personal touch to each item.  

You offer Special Orders but is under More in the header.  Special Order should be on the Home Page. 

Delete More in the Header.

Add the About story to Stories Overview and remove About in Header.

Add your Stories as drop down selections to Stories in Header.

Shop All does not need to have drop down selections.  

Price Match, Payment Options, Shipping, Returns can each have a Section on a FAQs page.


Screen Shot 2022-02-06 at 7.09.21 AM.png



Hope This Helps!
Message 2 of 3

Thanks for your response. I will start to make some of those changes soon. White background is a bit of a pest to do for everything, especially since the products I source, the high res images are generally supplied from the manufacturer as is.


What would you suggest with own personal touch? Rewriting all the descriptions? And what would the UPC/model numbers do?

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