
Customer Database Upload Error

Hey all. I am trying to upload my customer database to Square and am having problems after it has been uploaded from a CSV file. My customer list is around 1300 clients long and I tried both uploading the first CSV I had and then using the template that square provides. The latter worked and didn't give me an error, however, some of the fields (School name, Parent's names) seemed to get paired up with the wrong customers. In order to test this, I decided to create a simple csv file with customer names and parents' names and named them Name1, Name2, etc. and ParentFirst1, ParentFirst2 etc. The same problem persists with even 6 customers being uploaded! The 'Parent First Name' and 'Parent Last Name' fields seemed to be synced with each other but they both go to a completely different student entry! Here are some images to explain the situation.




The Test CSV File I created


CSV File opened in Excel


CSV File opened with a Text Editor


CSV File opened in Notepad


What shows up in Square


Square Customer Database after upload


The order actually is random since it changes after a second upload


Square Customer Database after second upload


Moreover, during the upload process, it doesn't seem to have trouble reading the file since it shows up in the preview in the right order:


Square Customer Database after second upload


Therefore, there is something wrong with the upload process since I cannot find any faults with my CSV file. Is there someone who can look into this and get back to me? I don't know if this is the first time something like this has happened but I would greatly appreciate any response and help!

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Square Community Moderator

Hi @mushfiq_dm


That's a very interesting occurrence. CSV uploads can be a bit tricky since there are so many variables at play. 


We might have to walk through some things with you in order to figure out what's happening exactly, as the Customer feature seems to be up and running as normal. 


Give our Support Team a call and we'll take a look with you. 

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