
Android Autofill: Incomplete Shipping Address Error

Hi there, I have recently moved my entire business website over to Square…..and have had THREE customers complain they cannot checkout as it keeps saying “Incomplete shipping address” 


The shipping address is complete. 

I could not replicate this error on an iPhone but my partner can when he uses Autofill on his Samsung (Android device). I have found out that the other two customers also used Autofill on Android phones. 

The only way you can get it to place the order is to take out the address and type it in. 

In 2022: how on earth is Autofill blocking customers from purchasing? This is going to be a real problem for me. 

Any help on this issue will be greatly appreciated. 

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It’s probably that auto fill has added a space after the postcode which Square does not accept



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On my partners phone, it was highlighting the address boxes blue until you clicked into them and deleted then re typed. It’s the whole auto filled address it doesn’t like. 

I have since had an update from a customer who cannot place an order what so ever?! He has tried hand typing the address and nothing. 

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Come on Sqaure, get to grips with these problems. I have posted similar issues that are not just Android related, they happen on iPhone, Andoid phones, Windows and Mac PC's, all using different banks, the error quoting 'Incomplete Shipping Address'.

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