
How are others that price by a decimal quantities working their charges?

We sell our farm's meat and poultry at farmer's markets, on farm and by delivery, and price mostly by the pound.  I'd love to have the ability to set the quantity to a decimal input, so I can enter the weight on the package meat and be able to have a set price on the item, but that is still not available.  So most of our items are just "variable" pricing, and I have to have a calculator in one hand, or go to back and forth from the calculator app on my phone to Square, to calculate the price on all our beef and pork.  The only other option I've been told is to set a price for .01 or .001 lb, and enter the decimal amount in as a whole number.  So if a Pork Shoulder Roast is $8.00/lb, and weights are in tenths, like 2.78 lbs, I'd have to set the price for the item as $.08 and input the quantity as 278, since it only takes whole numbers.  This seems like an expensive accident just waiting to happen.  And trying to explain why I have to do this to customers, and how it would show up on their receipts, just doesn't seem worth it, even if it would save time not having to calulate everything while inputing.  Are their any other farmers, butchers, or others who price by decimal quantities doing it this way successfully?  If so, do customers care?

Message 1 of 315
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Square now offers the ability to charge decimal quantities. Start by visiting Items in Dashboard, then set the unit type. You can choose from a list of preset units, such as pounds, ounces, and feet.


You can also choose to add your own custom unit — in whole number or decimal quantities. Learn more here



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Message 313 of 315
314 REPLIES 314

I sell by-the yard fabrics and need to enter 1.125 (1 and 1/8 yard) or 1.25 (1 and 1/4 yard) or 1.375 (1 and 3/8 yard)

The quantity option is in whole numbers only.  Can I customize this in my settings some place??

Message 2 of 315

Did you ever get a resolution to this? I have the exact same problem!!

Message 3 of 315

I too, have been desparately awaiting this capability. SQuare, when? PLEASE, when? I want to be able to do entries such as 1.125 (yards) @ $9.50 – for example. This isn't far off from what would be useful for delis as well as fabric stores that require measuring or weighing. 

Message 4 of 315

This too is a feature we desperately need 🙂 Thanks Square!

Message 5 of 315
Square Champion

Had the same issue before they introduced variable pricing... Almost everything we sell is by weight. And for a long time everything we sold had to cost $0.01. So If I sold someone $20 worth of produce, it got ran through square as 2000 individual pieces being sold at 1 cent each. It made for usless reporting. Right now your best solution is to get a calculating scale (~$150 online... its worth it!) Punch the price into the scale, and it tells you the total, then put into square. Hopefully one day Square will have scale integration. 

Message 6 of 315

I don't need a scale at the market since all our meat has the weights printed on the packages by the processor. I just don't understand why decimal quantities would be so hard to implement in the programming. But then I'm not a programmer.
Message 7 of 315

Most of my sales are for services charged by the hour, so I have also requested, and keep waiting, for decimal quantities.  It is the the current glaring omission from an otherwise great system at the moment.

Message 8 of 315

I never thought of services charging by the hour for partial hours! I wonder how many Square customers a feature like this would really help out. I wish I knew how to program. It just baffles me why decimals would be so hard to implement into the item quantity.
Message 9 of 315

I *AM* a programmer..  It's not hard.  The only issue I can see is if the underlying data structure for quantity was defined as an integer rather than a real number..  Even so, it's a HUGE issue that needs to be resolved.

Message 10 of 315

Thanks for everyones contributions here! This is definitely a feature request that we're tracking very closely. I really appreciate the honest opinions (and help answering the question)- this is exactly the kind of feedback that we love sharing with our product liaison team. 


For reference, here is our Support Center article that discusses this feature gap, and the workaround you all suggested. As a recommendation (since it wasn't already mentioned), the CAS 2000 Jr. scale is a scale that can be pre-programmed to record weight and price. 👍🏻

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 11 of 315

Can you make estimate as to when the fraction/decimal feature will be available?

Message 12 of 315

This looks like a nice scale, but I'm not weighing anything at the time I'm selling it.  At the farmer's markets my products are wrapped and the labels have the weight on them.  This also doesn't help with those billing for fractions of hours, or selling by the yard, like fabric.  I didn't realize there were so many businesses selling things in fractional units.  This fix will make using Square much easier for a lot of businesses.

Message 13 of 315

I'm new to Square and just came across this issue today. I performed 2.5 hours of hourly work and went to send an invoice to my client via email. I tried the work-around and created a "half hour" entry on my items, but it just looks ridiculous. 


I made an invoice in PayPal instead and was able to enter 2.5 hours @ my hourly rate. That's my work-around. 

Message 14 of 315

I have a new work around for you! Especially as a service provider who potentially has clients. I have discovered the beauty and organizational ease that is Dubsado! Your first 3 clients are free after that it's $20 a month which I honestly think is well worth the cost for everything it does.


Create lead funnels, proposals, contracts, and invoices all in one place. Their invoicing ALLOWS DECIMALS and guess what, it processes through Square but VIA their own system. BOOM. Best answer that's yet to be provided at a low cost with a multitude of other perks and you can charge clients however you **bleep** well operate your business. Hallelujah companies that GET IT!

Message 15 of 315

I am a retailer of fabrics and we cut to customers requests  the need for a decimal in sale quantities is a very big one for me. All of my business both in store and at shows is run through square. I love the system but am considering going to another processor because of the numerous hand calculations required. Yes I have a few standard measurements set up as items but it effects transaction times and a bit of confusion for the customers standing at the register observing. At times I encounter feelings of distrust from the consumer because there are so many entries and review every line item on the ticket with them. This helps the customer but again adds significantly to processing times. Not good when you have a line. 

Message 16 of 315

@Cityfoodscoop @savvyquilters - I don't have any updates to share with y'all at this time, but when I do, I'll be more than happy to share in this thread. Thanks for taking the time to reach out and expressing your feedback. It's helpful knowing this would be a useful feature for many sellers. 👍

Product Manager | Square, Inc.
Message 17 of 315

It's coming up on a year since I first brought up the topic of needing decimal quanitites for Square, and nothing has been done.  We keep seeing the unuseable workarounds suggested, and I keep having to use variable pricing with a separate calculator at farmer's markets.  I just found out today that many of my fellow farmers are looking at this issue as well.  And apparently the PayPal POS does decimal quantities just fine!  I really like Square, and have been using it for over 4 years now, so would hate to leave and have to set up all my items again in a different POS, but this is becoming an increasing issue.  I'm really surprised Square still has not implemented this.  


Please let us know what the real issue is with this, and when there will actually be a resolution!  In the meantime, I'm going to seriously take a look at PayPal, and any other smartphone compatible POS I can find that has decimal quantity capability.  I hope we don't have to move our business, but I'm not going to wait forever.

Message 18 of 315

I see the post from Sean was written a year ago.  Any progress on being able to enter decimal quantities?  

Message 19 of 315

@gmp no progress yet, but we will update this thread when we have more. Thanks for your post! 

Message 20 of 315

I have a work around for you that Square can't seem to provide still!


Especially as a service provider who potentially has clients. I have discovered the beauty and organizational ease that is Dubsado! Your first 3 clients are free after that it's $20 a month which I honestly think is well worth the cost for everything it does.


Create lead funnels, proposals, contracts, and invoices all in one place. Their invoicing ALLOWS DECIMALS and guess what, it processes through Square but VIA their own system. BOOM. Best answer that's yet to be provided at a low cost with a multitude of other perks and you can charge clients however you **bleep** well operate your business. Hallelujah companies that GET IT!

Message 21 of 315