
Square Online Orders showing up on Square Register

Is there a way to sync Square Online orders to the Square Register?


Background - We are currently using a Woocommerce webstie with Square as our payment gateway, but the sync and admin is cumbersome. Online orders are received by email, and the warehouse staff then go and pick the goods for shipping.  There is no order pickup-up from the warehouse.


We have just opened a retail shopfront using Square Register at a different location and I want to use the Square Online as our website instead of Woo.  How do the retail staff get notified that there are orders to pick ? I don't want them having to access emails, i want it to all be maintained on the one platform for ease of admin and hardware in-store.


What are possible work arounds, if anyone has experienced this scenario before, open to ideas and solutions.



Message 1 of 2
Square Champion

Square online integrates directly into your Square register - Orders tab. We are a fish and chip shop, so we only have pick up orders, we have our receipt printer set to print off all the orders and we just start cooking.

but if you are doing pickup, delivery or shipping you can set it up to just print off on the receipt printer automatically and staff can just get it all done when they have time. No need to look at the emails. All your online orders appear in the Order tab on the Square register.


I hope this helps

Its quite simple once its all set up. 

Chris Dimopoulos
Blue Sea Fish Shop Castlemaine
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