


Please can you make the font size bigger on the tickets and receipts.


also on tickets I need the table/tab number more obvious. 

on the bill I need a total of discount at the bottom with service charge and subtotal. 


2 Replies
Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Reviewed

Thank you for submitting this Feature Request @Daluigi. The next step in the Feature Request process is to demonstrate further how much it is needed from both you and other Sellers. Later on, we'll re-visit the most popular feature requests in the "Reviewed" status and bring them to product teams.


To other sellers that see this feature, please leave a like and reply with a use case that your business would have. This will help to signal that this feature request is even more important to address.

I need to increase the size of the fonts on our bike shop receipts and especially formal receipts. I found an other thread in which the "best answer" was a reminder of the community guidelines" which was, let's be honest, not usefull at all. One staf member mentionned something about android but we are currntly using a PC for the invoices and a Square Terminal. Everytime a customer pays by card or just wants a receipt they complain about the font size. 


I was considering the purchase of a Square POS as we have an old iPad that should be compatible but apprently it's the same issue with the printer included in the cas drawer... 


the thread I've found is 2 years old. Wasn't any update? Nothing at all really? Should I swith to another POS system and give up Square entirely? Definitely not my preffered option but...