Square Champion

Online Item options-

I saw with a recent update, what was a "variation" is now "options". And you need to save the options-there's no ability to just have options specific to each item. I would love for this feature to be optional. We have items that are available in regular or gluten-free, or different flavors, so it doesn't make sense for us to have set options that are saved, since every item is different and with different prices. My current process to make an item is much more challenging:

Go into Square online to make the item as a food option. 

Go into square dashboard to add the variations 

Then go back into Square Online to edit the description and add pictures for each variation. 

This new "feature" has made it much more time intensive to make an item. Even before, I had to go back and forth to make sure I wasn't charging tax on items since that part doesn't sync between the online store and the dashboard. Oh and if I forget to make the item as "prepared food" intead of physical item, it'll get rid of every variation I had made, thus wasting time again. 

Ali Kenis

Sugar Lab Bakeshop

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Celebrating Since 2012
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Thanks for sharing your feedback on this, @sugarlab. I could see a "skip" option at the end of the options creation dialog so it doesn't save it as an option set. 


One thing you could do which might make the feature work for you, is create an option set called "flavors" for example, then add all the different flavors used by all your items. You can disable options when you add an option set, so you could then use one "master" flavor option set for all items that have a flavor option, even if they only use a few of the options.


Seller Community, Platform
Message 2 of 4
Square Champion

Well that's just too obvious of an idea. HAHA. We just have so many different flavors I didn't think about that. Oye. Thanks so much Adam! 


I didn't see the skip option when it first showed up so maybe it's there now. Thanks again. 

Ali Kenis

Sugar Lab Bakeshop

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Celebrating Since 2012
Message 3 of 4

Not a problem! Also, apologies if I wasn't very clear about a "skip" option; that doesn't actually exist and I meant that it would make sense to add it as an option.


Let me know if you have any other questions about your options, though!


Seller Community, Platform
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