
I am trying to set up a cashier/runner/barista scenario. Open ticket seems to work a little

Is anyone using square at their coffee shop and utilizing open tickets so a runner can go out to the cutomer line and take orders?

I need the runner to take the order, the barista to see the order make the drinks then the cashier take their money when the drinks are sent out.  

I would even hire someone to make this process as effincient as possible.




Message 1 of 2
Square Champion

In extreme peak times, I've utilized a line person in my store.


Basic flow (which can be modified easily for a drive-through application)


1. Customer enters the store, and is pointed towards our menu.

2. An order taker (Line Person) is there, and rings up their order on a tablet. (I don't like using a phone in peak times: the lack of a grid means hunting for items... UGH)

3. The order taker either gives the customer a number or enters the customer's name as the name of the saved Open Ticket.

4. Customer continues to the register station and gives cashier name/number of the ticket.

5. Cashier completes transaction, directs customer to carryout waiting section or to find a seat.

6. Barista delivers drink/calls out name

7. Lather, rinse, repeat. 🙂


One warning with this setup: if you're using Employee Management, be sure every employee can see every open ticket (found in the Employees->Permissions section of the dashboard)


This does mean that the money is collected before drinks are delivered, but I find in the general flow of the store, this works best. It's also the "standard" way people are used to in a coffee bar environment. If you wanted to stick with your setup, this setup would work, too: just flip #s 5 and 6 above.

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 2